# Configure logging #log syslog { debug, trace, info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug }; #log stderr all; #log "tmp" all; #log syslog all; #debug protocols all; # Override router ID router id; protocol direct { interface "bat0", "gre-*", "lo"; # Restrict network interfaces it works with } protocol kernel { device routes; import all; export all; # Default is export none kernel table 42; # Kernel table to synchronize with (default: main) } protocol device { scan time 10; # Scan interfaces every 10 seconds } function is_default() { return (net ~ [::/0]); } # own networks function is_self_net() { return net ~ [ fda0:747e:ab29:7405::/64+ ]; } # freifunk ip ranges in general function is_freifunk() { return net ~ [ fc00::/7{48,64}, 2001:bf7::/32+]; } filter hostroute { if net ~ 2a03:2260:121::/48 then accept; reject; } # Uplink zum FF Rheinland template bgp uplink { local as 65066; import where is_default(); export filter hostroute; gateway recursive; } protocol bgp ffrl_bb_a_ak_ber from uplink { source address 2a03:2260:0:30c::2; neighbor 2a03:2260:0:30c::1 as 201701; } protocol bgp ffrl_bb_b_ak_ber from uplink { source address 2a03:2260:0:30f::2; neighbor 2a03:2260:0:30f::1 as 201701; } protocol bgp ffrl_bb_a_ix_dus from uplink { source address 2a03:2260:0:30e::2; neighbor 2a03:2260:0:30e::1 as 201701; } protocol bgp ffrl_bb_b_ix_dus from uplink { source address 2a03:2260:0:311::2; neighbor 2a03:2260:0:311::1 as 201701; } protocol bgp ffrl_bb_a_fra3_fra from uplink { source address 2a03:2260:0:30d::2; neighbor 2a03:2260:0:30d::1 as 201701; } protocol bgp ffrl_bb_b_fra3_fra from uplink { source address 2a03:2260:0:310::2; neighbor 2a03:2260:0:310::1 as 201701; }