#!/bin/bash supernode_off while [ true ] ; do online=$(/bin/cat /etc/supernode-status/supernode.status) mode=$(/bin/cat /etc/supernode-status/supernode.mode) iam=$(/bin/hostname) day=$(date +%d) BATCTL=/usr/local/sbin/batctl #### Settings #### # Names of the 2 Supernodes # loadbalance=$(cat /etc/supernode-status/loadbalancing.mode) if [ $iam = "troisdorf5" ]; then my_SN_IP= other_SN_IP= meship= SN1=troisdorf5 SN2=troisdorf6 elif [ $iam = "troisdorf6" ]; then my_SN_IP= other_SN_IP= meship= SN1=troisdorf5 SN2=troisdorf6 elif [ $iam = "troisdorf1" ]; then my_SN_IP= other_SN_IP= meship= SN1=troisdorf1 SN2=troisdorf2 elif [ $iam = "troisdorf2" ]; then my_SN_IP= other_SN_IP= meship= SN1=troisdorf1 SN2=troisdorf2 fi if [ $loadbalance = "1" ] && [ $mode != "0" ]; then if [ $day -gt 15 ]; then active_SN=$SN1 else active_SN=$SN2 fi fi ################## # functions # # Supernode off # supernode_off () { $BATCTL gw off /usr/sbin/service bird6 stop /usr/sbin/service bird stop /usr/sbin/service tunneldigger stop /usr/sbin/service radvd stop /usr/sbin/service isc-dhcp-server stop if [ $loadbalance == 1 ] && [ $mode != 0 ]; then echo 3 > /etc/supernode-status/supernode.status else echo 0 > /etc/supernode-status/supernode.status fi echo "collectd.gateways.$iam.sn-status $online `date +%s`" | nc -q 0 2003 } # Supernode on # supernode_on () { $BATCTL gw server 100Mbit/100Mbit /usr/sbin/service bird6 start /usr/sbin/service bird start /usr/sbin/service tunneldigger start /usr/sbin/service radvd start /usr/sbin/service isc-dhcp-server start if [ $loadbalance == 1 ]; then echo 1 > /etc/supernode-status/supernode.status else echo 2 > /etc/supernode-status/supernode.status fi echo "collectd.gateways.$iam.sn-status $online `date +%s`" | nc -q 0 2003 } # Restart Services # supernode_fail () { $BATCTL gw off /usr/sbin/service bird6 restart /usr/sbin/service bird restart /usr/sbin/service tunneldigger restart /usr/sbin/service radvd restart /usr/sbin/service isc-dhcp-server restart echo 0 > /etc/supernode-status/supernode.status echo "collectd.gateways.$iam.sn-status $online `date +%s`" | nc -q 0 2003 } #Check other Supernode if [ $iam != $active_SN ]; then ping -q -c5 $other_SN_IP -I eth0 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then if [ $online ==1 ] || [ $online = 2 ]; then curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"text": "Aktiver Supernode wieder online. Ich habe mich wieder ausgeschaltet", "channel": "#technik", "username": "{{ sn_hostname }}", "icon_emoji": ":white_check_mark:"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/{{ slack_token }} fi supernode_off else supernode_on curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"text": "Aktiver Supernode offline. Ich habe mich eingeschaltet", "channel": "#technik", "username": "{{ sn_hostname }}", "icon_emoji": ":warning:"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/{{ slack_token }} sleep 300 fi else # Check this Supernode if [ $mode != "0" ]; then ping -q -c5 $my_SN_IP -I eth0 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then if [ $online = 0 ] || [ $online = 3 ]; then curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"text": "Ich bin jetzt Supernode!", "channel": "#technik", "username": "{{ sn_hostname }}", "icon_emoji": ":white_check_mark:"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/{{ slack_token }} fi supernode_on else supernode_fail curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"text": "Ich konnte mich selbst nicht anpingen. Ich versuche mal die Services neu zu starten", "channel": "#technik", "username": "{{ sn_hostname }}", "icon_emoji": ":warning:"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/{{ slack_token }} fi fi fi # Supernode off if [ $mode = "0" ]; then supernode_off fi # Write Service Status for service in bird bird6 dhcpd radvd python named do x=`pidof $service`; if [ "$x" = "" ]; then echo "collectd.gateways.$iam.$service 0 `date +%s`" | nc -q 0 2003 echo 0 > /etc/supernode-status/"$service".status else echo "collectd.gateways.$iam.$service 1 `date +%s`" | nc -q 0 2003 echo 1 > /etc/supernode-status/"$service".status fi done # Check DNS Server host google.de $meship if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then service bind9 restart fi #Check Tunneldigger Connections if ! [ -d /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces ]; then mkdir /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces fi #Remove old Interfaces rm /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces/* #Create Interace files for i in `/sbin/brctl show br-nodes | grep l2tp`; do touch /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces/$i done #Remove wrong file rm /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces/no rm /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces/br-* rm /opt/freifunk/tunneldigger_interfaces/8* sleep 60 done