define(['map/clientlayer', 'map/labellayer', 'leaflet', 'map/locationmarker'], function (ClientLayer, LabelLayer, L, LocationMarker) { 'use strict'; var self = {}; var ButtonBase = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'bottomright' }, active: false, button: undefined, initialize: function (f, o) { L.Util.setOptions(this, o); this.f = f; }, update: function () { this.button.classList.toggle('active',; }, set: function (v) { = v; this.update(); } }); var LocateButton = ButtonBase.extend({ onAdd: function () { var button = L.DomUtil.create('button', 'ion-locate'); button.setAttribute('data-tooltip', _.t('button.tracking')); L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(button); L.DomEvent.addListener(button, 'click', this.onClick, this); this.button = button; return button; }, onClick: function () { this.f(!; } }); var CoordsPickerButton = ButtonBase.extend({ onAdd: function () { var button = L.DomUtil.create('button', 'ion-pin'); button.setAttribute('data-tooltip', _.t('button.location')); // Click propagation isn't disabled as this causes problems with the // location picking mode; instead propagation is stopped in onClick(). L.DomEvent.addListener(button, 'click', this.onClick, this); this.button = button; return button; }, onClick: function (e) { L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e); this.f(!; } }); return function (config, map, router, buttons) { var userLocation; var locateUserButton = new LocateButton(function (d) { if (d) { enableTracking(); } else { self.disableTracking(); } }); var mybuttons = []; function addButton(button) { var el = button.onAdd(); mybuttons.push(el); buttons.appendChild(el); } self.clearButtons = function clearButtons() { mybuttons.forEach(function (d) { buttons.removeChild(d); }); }; var showCoordsPickerButton = new CoordsPickerButton(function (d) { if (d) { enableCoords(); } else { disableCoords(); } }); function enableTracking() { map.locate({ watch: true, enableHighAccuracy: true, setView: true }); locateUserButton.set(true); } self.disableTracking = function disableTracking() { map.stopLocate(); self.locationError(); locateUserButton.set(false); }; function enableCoords() { map.getContainer().classList.add('pick-coordinates'); map.on('click', showCoordinates); showCoordsPickerButton.set(true); } function disableCoords() { map.getContainer().classList.remove('pick-coordinates');'click', showCoordinates); showCoordsPickerButton.set(false); } function showCoordinates(e) { router.fullUrl({ zoom: map.getZoom(), lat:, lng: e.latlng.lng }); disableCoords(); } self.locationFound = function locationFound(e) { if (!userLocation) { userLocation = new LocationMarker(e.latlng).addTo(map); } userLocation.setLatLng(e.latlng); userLocation.setAccuracy(e.accuracy); }; self.locationError = function locationError() { if (userLocation) { map.removeLayer(userLocation); userLocation = null; } }; self.init = function init() { addButton(locateUserButton); addButton(showCoordsPickerButton); }; return self; }; });