// Grunt will remove all comments { // Variables are NODE_ID and NODE_NAME (only a-z0-9\- other chars are replaced with _) "nodeInfos": [ { "name": "Clientstatistik", "href": "https://regensburg.freifunk.net/netz/statistik/node/{NODE_ID}/", "thumbnail": "https://grafana.regensburg.freifunk.net/render/dashboard-solo/db/ffrgb-all-nodes?panelId=1&from=now-7d&var-nodeid={NODE_ID}&var-host={NODE_NAME}&width=650&height=350&theme=light&_t={TIME}", "caption": "Knoten {NODE_ID} - weiteren Statistiken" }, { "name": "Trafficstatistik", "href": "https://regensburg.freifunk.net/netz/statistik/node/{NODE_ID}/", "thumbnail": "https://grafana.regensburg.freifunk.net/render/dashboard-solo/db/ffrgb-all-nodes?panelId=2&from=now-7d&var-nodeid={NODE_ID}&var-host={NODE_NAME}&width=650&height=350&theme=light&_t={TIME}", "caption": "Knoten {NODE_ID} - weiteren Statistiken" } ], "globalInfos": [ { "name": "Statistik", "href": "https://regensburg.freifunk.net/netz/statistik/", "thumbnail": "https://grafana.regensburg.freifunk.net/render/dashboard-solo/db/ffrgb-network-wide-stats?panelId=11&from=now-1y&width=600&height=350&theme=light", "caption": "Jahresstatistik - weiteren Statistiken" } ], // String or array of data provider are supported "dataPath": "https://regensburg.freifunk.net/data/", "reverseGeocodingApi": "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse", "siteName": "Freifunk Regensburg", "showContact": false, "maxAge": 14, "nodeZoom": 18, "mapLayers": [ { "name": "Freifunk Regensburg", // Please ask Freifunk Regensburg before using its tile server c- example with retina tiles "url": "https://{s}.tiles.ffrgb.net/{z}/{x}/{y}{retina}.png", "config": { "maxZoom": 22, "subdomains": "1234", "attribution": "© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map", "start": 6 } }, { "name": "Freifunk Regensburg Night", // Please ask Freifunk Regensburg before using its tile server - example with retina and dark tiles "url": "https://{s}.tiles.ffrgb.net/n/{z}/{x}/{y}{retina}.png", "config": { "maxZoom": 22, "subdomains": "1234", "attribution": "© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map", "mode": "night", "start": 19, "end": 7 } }, { "name": "OpenStreetMap.HOT", "url": "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "config": { "maxZoom": 19, "attribution": "© Openstreetmap France | © OpenStreetMap" } }, { "name": "HERE", // Please use your own API key - Free plan is on right side after the pay plans "url": "https://{s}.base.maps.api.here.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/normal.day/{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?app_id=YOUR_KEY&app_code=YOUR_CODE&lg=deu", "config": { "attribution": "Map © 1987-2014 HERE", "subdomains": "1234", "maxZoom": 20 } }, { "name": "Esri.WorldImagery", "url": "//server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}", "config": { "maxZoom": 20, "attribution": "Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community" } }, { "name": "HERE.hybridDay", // Please use your own API key - Free plan is on right side after the pay plans "url": "https://{s}.aerial.maps.api.here.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?app_id=YOUR_KEY&app_code=YOUR_CODE&lg=deu", "config": { "attribution": "Map © 1987-2014 HERE", "subdomains": "1234", "variant": "hybrid.day", "maxZoom": 20 } } ], "fixedCenter": { "lat": 49.01722, "lng": 12.0969, "radius": 45 }, "siteNames": [ { "site": "ffrgb-bat15", "name": "Regensburg" }, { "site": "ffrgb", "name": "Regensburg" } ] }