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No commits in common. "master" and "v1.4.0" have entirely different histories.

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@ -133,41 +133,39 @@ func processUnifiAPI(s int) ([]node, []link, error) {
if currentDevice.Mac != "" {
nodes = append(nodes, node{
Firstseen: "0",
Lastseen: time.Unix(int64(currentDevice.LastSeen), 0).Format(iso8601),
IsOnline: itob(currentDevice.State),
IsGateway: false,
Clients: clients,
ClientsWifi24: 0,
ClientsWifi5: 0,
ClientsOther: clients,
RootFSUsage: 0,
LoadAVG: load / 100,
MemoryUsage: mem / 100,
Uptime: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second * time.Duration(currentDevice.Uptime)).Format(iso8601),
GatewayNexthop: currentJSONDevice.GatewayNexthop,
Gateway: currentJSONDevice.Gateway,
Location: &currentJSONDevice.Location,
NodeID: strings.ReplaceAll(currentDevice.Mac, ":", ""),
MAC: currentDevice.Mac,
Adresses: []string{currentDevice.IP},
Domain: currentJSONDevice.Domain,
Hostname: "[Unifi] " + currentDevice.Name,
Owner: "Freifunk Rhein-Sieg",
Firmware: firmware{
Base: "Ubiquiti - Stock",
Release: currentDevice.Version,
Autoupdater: autoupdater{
Enabled: false,
Branch: "stable",
NProc: 1,
Model: model,
nodes = append(nodes, node{
Firstseen: "0",
Lastseen: time.Unix(int64(currentDevice.LastSeen), 0).Format(iso8601),
IsOnline: itob(currentDevice.State),
IsGateway: false,
Clients: clients,
ClientsWifi24: 0,
ClientsWifi5: 0,
ClientsOther: clients,
RootFSUsage: 0,
LoadAVG: load / 100,
MemoryUsage: mem / 100,
Uptime: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second * time.Duration(currentDevice.Uptime)).Format(iso8601),
GatewayNexthop: currentJSONDevice.GatewayNexthop,
Gateway: currentJSONDevice.Gateway,
Location: &currentJSONDevice.Location,
NodeID: strings.ReplaceAll(currentDevice.Mac, ":", ""),
MAC: currentDevice.Mac,
Adresses: []string{currentDevice.IP},
Domain: currentJSONDevice.Domain,
Hostname: "[Unifi] " + currentDevice.Name,
Owner: "Freifunk Rhein-Sieg",
Firmware: firmware{
Base: "Ubiquiti - Stock",
Release: currentDevice.Version,
Autoupdater: autoupdater{
Enabled: false,
Branch: "stable",
NProc: 1,
Model: model,
return nodes, links, err