41 lines
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41 lines
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include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include ../gluon.mk
define Package/gluon-client-isolation
TITLE:=Support for client isolation over batman-adv
DEPENDS:=+gluon-core +gluon-ebtables gluon-mesh-batman-adv
define Package/gluon-client-isolation/description
This package provides client isolation in a batman-adv
bridged layer 2 network.
To use it, mesh.isolate must be set in the site or
domain configuration.
When it is set to wireless, wireless clients are isolated from
other wireless clients, wireless to wired, wired to wireless
and wire to wired traffic is not affected in this mode.
When it is set to all, wired traffic is also isolated.
To isolate the clients connected to the same wireless interface,
it sets the isolate option in the wireless configuration for
the client and owe wifi interfaces.
To extend the isolation the ap_isolation and isolation_mark
options are set for the gluon_bat0 network interface.
A new filter chain ISOLATED is added to ebtables, through which
all traffic of br-client is routed.
Depending the value of mesh.isolate, the traffic is marked when
it arrives from the interfaces to isolate and batman-adv
restores the mark for isolated traffic from other nodes.
The marked traffic will not be forwarded to isolated interfaces.
$(eval $(call BuildPackageGluon,gluon-client-isolation))