34 lines
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34 lines
1.0 KiB
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include ../gluon.mk
define Package/gluon-statistics-mcast
TITLE:=Gluon Statistics for Multicast Traffic
DEPENDS:= +bpfcountd +libgluonutil
define Package/gluon-statistics-mcast/description
This package collects disected statistics on multicast
and management traffic and provides them via respondd in
"statistics-extended". Such information can be helpful
for further development and comparison of mesh routing
protocols and troubleshooting network issues.
The statistics gathered disect into batman-adv
packets as well. Statistics are collected both on client
bridge ports and br-client as well as mesh interfaces.
This introduces a performance penalty but tries to
keep the impact on unicast traffic small.
Note that respondd replies are rather large
(several UDP datagrams, even when LZMA compressed).
Therefore you might want to use slower intervals for
querying respondd "statistics-extended".
$(eval $(call BuildPackageGluon,gluon-statistics-mcast))