Merge pull request #210 from freifunk-gluon/2014.3.x-site-example

docs: unclutter site-example for 2014.3.x
This commit is contained in:
Nils Schneider 2014-10-16 18:31:56 +02:00
commit 23adc4a294
2 changed files with 163 additions and 226 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
## gluon site modules example # This file allows specifying additional repositories to use
# this file allows to define additional # when building gluon.
# package feeds to be used. #
# packages from this feeds can then be included # In most cases, it is not required so don't add it.
# via
# feeds to include, note that this is not called # for each feed name given, add the corresponding PACKAGES_* lines
# GLUON_FEEDS as in the Gluon modules file. # documented below
# #GLUON_SITE_FEEDS='my_own_packages'
# for each feed name given, there have to be
# two variables given in the following.
## PACKAGES_$feedname_REPO ## PACKAGES_$feedname_REPO
# the git repository from where to clone the package feed # the git repository from where to clone the package feed
## PACKAGES_$feedname_COMMIT ## PACKAGES_$feedname_COMMIT
# the version/commit of the git repository to clone # the version/commit of the git repository to clone
PACKAGES_FFHH_PACKAGES_COMMIT=0fc9d44e95000c61a69b04278e4d38f2a3f57e49 #PACKAGES_MY_OWN_PACKAGES_COMMIT=123456789aabcda1a69b04278e4d38f2a3f57e49
## PACKAGES_$feedname_BRANCH
# the branch to check out

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@ -1,222 +1,162 @@
--[[ gluon site.conf example -- This is an example site configuration for Gluon v2014.3.x
This file is loosely related to the original site.conf used in Lübeck. -- Take a look at the documentation located at
There are comments added to most switches to explain the usage of gluon. -- for details.
This is lua code now, not perl anymore. -- This configuration will not work as it. You're required to make
-- community specific changes to it!
Happy compiling!
{ {
--[[ Community settings -- Used for generated hostnames, e.g. freifunk-abcdef123456.
hostname_prefix: Nodename prefix
freifunk-abcdef123456 (hex-part is generated from node's MAC address)
site_name: Name of your community
site_code: Shortcode of your community
hostname_prefix = 'freifunk', hostname_prefix = 'freifunk',
-- Name of the community.
site_name = 'Freifunk Lübeck', site_name = 'Freifunk Lübeck',
-- Shorthand of the community.
site_code = 'ffhl', site_code = 'ffhl',
--[[ General network settings -- Prefixes used within the mesh. Both are required.
prefix4: IPv4 range of your community
prefix6: IPv6 range of your community
is also required for radvd
prefix4 = '', prefix4 = '',
prefix6 = 'fdef:ffc0:3dd7::/64', prefix6 = 'fdef:ffc0:3dd7::/64',
--[[ NTP settings -- Timezone of your community.
Synchronize the time of the nodes -- See
timezone: Timezone of your community
ntp_servers: List of NTP-Servers to query. You can use any public and/or your private NTP-Servers of your community.
timezone = 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3', timezone = 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3',
-- List of NTP servers in your community.
-- Must be reachable using IPv6!
ntp_servers = {''}, ntp_servers = {''},
--[[ Wireless settings -- Wireless regulatory domain of your community.
regdom: IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Domain
wifi24: Wifi settings for 2.4 GHz frequency devices
wifi5: Wifi settings for 5 GHz frequency devices
ssid: Wifi name shown to the user (We recommend
channel: Wifi channel to use
htmode: Specifies the channel width in 802.11n and 802.11ac mode, possible values are:
HT20 (single 20MHz channel),
HT40- (2x 20MHz channels, primary/control channel is upper, secondary channel is below)
HT40+ (2x 20MHz channels, primary/control channel is lower, secondary channel is above).
VHT20 / VHT40 / VHT80 / VHT160 (channel width in 802.11ac, extra channels are picked according to the specification) (-> htmode)
mesh_ssid: SSID of the mesh-interface, only used between nodes
mesh_bssid: BSSID of the mesh-interface
The supplied default of ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff will not work.
You'll need to replace it with randomly generated, non-broadcast BSSID!
mesh_mcast_rate: multicast rate of the mesh-interface
regdom = 'DE', regdom = 'DE',
-- Wireless configuratoin for 2.4 GHz interfaces.
wifi24 = { wifi24 = {
ssid = '', -- Wireless channel.
channel = 1, channel = 1,
htmode = 'HT40+',
mesh_ssid = 'mesh.ffhl', -- ESSID used for client network.
mesh_bssid = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', ssid = '',
-- Specifies the channel width in 802.11n and 802.11ac mode.
-- Possible values are:
-- HT20 (single 20MHz channel),
-- HT40- (2x 20MHz channels, secondary below)
-- HT40+ (2x 20MHz channels, secondary above)
htmode = 'HT20',
-- Adjust these values! ff... will not work!
mesh_ssid = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', -- ESSID used for mesh
mesh_bssid = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', -- BSSID used for mesh
-- Bitrate used for multicast/broadcast packets.
mesh_mcast_rate = 12000, mesh_mcast_rate = 12000,
}, },
-- Wireless configuration for 5 GHz interfaces.
-- This should be equal to the 2.4 GHz variant, except
-- for channel and htmode.
wifi5 = { wifi5 = {
ssid = '', ssid = '',
channel = 44, channel = 44,
htmode = 'HT40+', htmode = 'HT20',
mesh_ssid = 'mesh.ffhl', mesh_ssid = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
mesh_bssid = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', mesh_bssid = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
mesh_mcast_rate = 12000, mesh_mcast_rate = 12000,
}, },
--[[ Next-Node -- The next node feature allows clients to always reach the node it is
next_node: Howto reach the node you are currently connected to -- connected to using a known IP address.
The node will always be reachable at that address, and it's the same on all nodes. Because next_node packets are redirected within the node itself, there will be no conflicts.
ip4: IPv4 Address to use
ip6: IPv6 Address to use
mac: MAC Address to use
(TODO: What is the purpose of this MAC-Address here?)
next_node = { next_node = {
-- anycast IPs of all nodes
ip4 = '', ip4 = '',
ip6 = 'fdef:ffc0:3dd7::1', ip6 = 'fdef:ffc0:3dd7::1',
-- anycast MAC of all nodes
mac = '16:41:95:40:f7:dc', mac = '16:41:95:40:f7:dc',
}, },
-- Refer to to better understand
--[[ Gateway settings -- what these options do.
fastd_mesh_vpn: fastd vpn settings
methods: encryption algorithms to use
When multiple method statements are given, the first one has the highest preference.
mtu: package size
backbone: fastd vpn gateways of your community
limit: Number of gateways each node connects to
On startup, each node tries to connect to every gateway, and then chooses the number of 'limit' fastest gateways it could reach
peers: Gateways
sub sub
key: public fastd key of your gateway
remotes: List of fastd configuration strings to connect to your gateway server
fastd_mesh_vpn = { fastd_mesh_vpn = {
-- List of crypto-methods to use.
methods = {'salsa2012+gmac'}, methods = {'salsa2012+gmac'},
mtu = 1426, mtu = 1426,
backbone = { backbone = {
-- Limit number of connected peers to reduce bandwidth.
limit = 2, limit = 2,
-- List of peers.
peers = { peers = {
burgtor = { burgtor = {
key = '657af03e36ff1b8bbe5a5134982a4f110c8523a9a63293870caf548916a95a03', key = '657af03e36ff1b8bbe5a5134982a4f110c8523a9a63293870caf548916a95a03',
-- This is a list, so you might add multiple entries.
remotes = {'ipv4 "" port 10000'}, remotes = {'ipv4 "" port 10000'},
}, },
holstentor = { holstentor = {
key = '8c660f7511bf101ea1b599fe53af20e1146cd923c9e9d2a3a0d534ee75af9067', key = '8c660f7511bf101ea1b599fe53af20e1146cd923c9e9d2a3a0d534ee75af9067',
remotes = {'ipv4 "" port 10000'}, remotes = {'ipv4 "" port 10000'},
}, },
huextertor = {
key = 'a1b124f43eae4f5929850c09cda825ef35d659e3db4d7746e3d97627e9fa7238',
remotes = {'ipv4 "" port 10000'},
muehlentor = {
key = 'bd4ec3cf87bb0042eed2fa121fbc402154d28fb1ae9dff9cdb71bb21892f401a',
remotes = {'ipv4 "" port 10000'},
}, },
}, },
}, },
--[[ Autoupdater settings
branch: Automatically update to this branch
branches: Available branches your community is publishing
sub sub
name: Name of branch (is used when compiling images)
mirrors: List of urls where to find the firmware
just serve the images on port 80 via http. a simple apache file-listing is enough.
probability: How often should a node search for updates
1.0 - perform an update every hour
0.5 - on average, perform an update every two hours
0.0 - inhibit any automatic updates
good_signatures: How many signatures should be valid so the node decides to upgrade itself
pubkeys: public keys by developers used in manifest file of branch
manifest file - see gluon readme
$ make manifest GLUON_BRANCH=mybranch
$ contrib/ $SECRETKEY.file images/sysupgrade/manifest
autoupdater = { autoupdater = {
branch = 'experimental', -- Default branch. Don't forget to set GLUON_BRANCH when building!
branch = 'stable',
-- List of branches. You may define multiple branches.
branches = { branches = {
stable = { stable = {
name = 'stable', name = 'stable',
-- List of mirrors to fetch images from. IPv6 required!
mirrors = {''}, mirrors = {''},
probability = 0.08,
-- Number of good signatures required.
-- Have multiple maintainers sign your build and only
-- accept it when a sufficient number of them have
-- signed it.
good_signatures = 2, good_signatures = 2,
-- List of public keys of maintainers.
pubkeys = { pubkeys = {
'daa19b44bbd7033965e02088127bad9516ba0fea8f34267a777144a23ec8900c', -- Linus 'daa19b44bbd7033965e02088127bad9516ba0fea8f34267a777144a23ec8900c', -- Linus
'a8dd60765b07330a4bbfdf8406102befca132881a4b65f3efda32cf2d5b362d9', -- Nils 'a8dd60765b07330a4bbfdf8406102befca132881a4b65f3efda32cf2d5b362d9', -- Nils
'323bd3285c4e5547a89cd6da1f2aef67f1654b0928bbd5b104efc9dab2156d0b', -- NeoRaider '323bd3285c4e5547a89cd6da1f2aef67f1654b0928bbd5b104efc9dab2156d0b', -- NeoRaider
}, },
}, },
experimental = {
-- DE: Name des "braches" wird beim erstellen von Images / update generiert
name = 'experimental',
mirrors = {''},
probability = 1.00,
good_signatures = 2,
good_signatures = 1,
-- DE: Oeffentlicher Schluessel / Public Key der Entwickler
pubkeys = {
'496136b37e5f561dfdf523611f14e4b6bc2a745cbc1ab7daffa59fded5f202d1', -- philae
}, },
}, },
--[[ Simple TC settings to limit the bandwidth of the vpn-uplink -- Bandwidth limiting
ifname: name of the interface/bridge
enabled: default-value
limit_egress: default-value
limit_ingress: default-value
simple_tc = { simple_tc = {
mesh_vpn = { mesh_vpn = {
ifname = 'mesh-vpn', ifname = 'mesh-vpn',
-- You may enable it by default here.
enabled = false, enabled = false,
-- Default upload limit (kbit/s).
limit_egress = 200, limit_egress = 200,
-- Default download limit (kbit/s).
limit_ingress = 3000, limit_ingress = 3000,
}, },
}, },
-- These strings are shown in config mode. Some HTML is permissible.
--[[ Config Mode settings --
Text shown on local website on node while in config mode (after initial flashing or after a long press and hold on the primary button and reboot). You can use html here. -- msg_welcome: shown at startup
msg_welcome: Welcome message shown at startup -- msg_pubkey: shown when VPN is enabled
msg_pubkey: Instructions for the user how your community handles the key exchange -- msg_reboot: shown during reboot (after finishing configuration)
only shown if VPN setting is selected --
msg_reboot: Message shown when configuration is finished while the node is rebooting. -- You may use some variables, e.g.:
Variables -- <%=hostname%> - the node's hostname
Within the text given here you can use variables which are -- <%=pubkey%> - the fastd public key
replaced when the respective website is delivered to the user. -- <%=sysconfig.primary_mac%> - the node's primary MAC
Variables must be used in the format <%=NAME%>. See msg_pubkey for an example.
hostname hostname of the node
pubkey fastd public key of the node
sysconfig.primary_mac the primary mac of the node, also found printed beneath the device
... other sysconfig.* variables: config_ifname, lan_ifname, wan_ifname
config_mode = { config_mode = {
msg_welcome = [[ msg_welcome = [[
Willkommen zum Einrichtungsassistenten für deinen neuen Lübecker Willkommen zum Einrichtungsassistenten für deinen neuen Lübecker