5a842639dc87 nano: provide nano-full with most features enabled
165c5625a3c6 netatalk: update to version 3.1.13
7b9c8fd48743 coova-chilli: add dependency for miniportal
6732d0573d62 coova-chilli: clean up Makefile
6ac4167c7318 coova-chilli: remove dnslog option
384c9dc68fed coova-chili: Fix version
944bae08d00c coova-chilli: Update to 1.5
3398ed29b0c0 python3: Update to 3.7.13, refresh patches
e8dc42753c64 bind: bump to 9.16.27
17e7ca6e2e66 syslog-ng: update to version 3.36.1
79db9a8e246e expat: import patches for CVEs
448eb6e4b999 expat: update to 2.2.10
31098bd6b274 htpdate: drop www.freebsd.org from default server list
4c461f9e8559 nano: update to 6.2
8129d30e3653 nano: update to 6.1
e234ea1ae48b ruby: update to 2.6.9
c0c89af7c4fa bind: update to version 9.16.25
56cf18027b67 CI: fix runtime testing for non master branch
5578d60f9ad9 nano: Add a plus variant with more features
864ffb6ca1b9 nss: backport patch for CVE-2021-43527
0af741cd16ce prosody: update to version 0.11.13
20e42ca81e02 prosody: fix shellcheck warnings
0319712eda5e prosody: update to 0.11.7
22a3a54a9c8a prosody: update to 0.11.5
199860fa3ad3 prosody: /etc/prosody permissions fix
498bcd4e25c7 prosody: Update to 0.11.3
057803706e99 tvheadend: fix conffiles section
765307772f15 domoticz: backport patch to fix compilation with uClibc-ng
572392a8ac20 domoticz: bump to 4.10717
8d91ba86a956 domoticz: Fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL APIs
7bb0a7e929cb netdata: Update init script to use -D rather than -nd
6317eabad70e apache: security bump to 2.4.51
4af8afe6ccde haveged: update to 1.9.17
f299c29a45fc treewide: add missing BUILDONLY
64d0238a1bef zsh: drop bash syntax in postinst
ea3e54accd11 zsh: fix invalid postrm script and little refactor of scripts
5a9b5ee78cd2 nano: update to version 6.0
e1a2d908c3de msmtp: update to version
535f4804b661 postgresql: security update to version 11.14
e93fc5a20f57 libs/c-ares: fix domain hijacking CVE-2021-3672
45218f20597b msmtp: update to version 1.8.17
d216572bb147 syslog-ng: update to version 3.35.1
1d5b64958b79 icu: Fix memory bug w/ baseName
e1feccd5aeb7 ddns-scripts: Fix wrong whitespace in preinst and postinst scripts
c559096e03e5 bind: update to version 9.16.23
af8fe2363d07 cyrus-sasl: patch CVE-2019-19906
903d79b3872b php7: Clean up and update distributed php.ini for php 7.2.34
496f50a754cf syslog-ng: update to version 3.34.1
61741b3249d6 ffmpeg: update to version 3.4.9 (security fix)
9abe24fb49fa bind: Bump to 9.16.22
cb4433c4baa1 tvheadend: update libhdhomerun
18af9b9e2132 bind: update to version 9.16.21
bb0ed00885eb nextdns: Update to version 1.37.3
c493a603cdbf vpn-policy-routing: downgrade to 0.2.1-13
20a9e8700b3d python-dateutil: Add missing HOST_PYTHON3_PACKAGE_BUILD_DEPENDS
e933f6f749aa python-importlib-metadata: Pin setuptools-scm version
a5de193e5422 simple-adblock: update to 1.8.8-1
af3643f9b00d https-dns-proxy: update to 2021-09-27
f2af6941fa2b tor: update to
746fa830c6d7 python-zipp: pin setuptools-scm version
70bb6f15e8df perl: perlmod.mk: use flock when hostpkg/perl used
15305d2f2ee6 nano: update to 5.9
ece1d7bfcebf haveged: update to 1.9.15
2d35019d6bee lighttpd: update to lighttpd 1.4.55 release hash
b101f744c258 tcpreplay: avoid host lib leakage
be17f9726509 tcpreplay: bump to version 4.3.4
6e4e0d5e9dfd tcpreplay: add libdnet support
e7167f4702b5 tcpreplay: fix compilation with Arch Linux
668aa95dfb15 tcpreplay: bump to version 4.3.3
6dc494fddf3b ntfs-3g: patch CVE-2019-9755
02ce5303d5a8 nextdns: Update to version 1.37.2
7a7b8a257b59 bind: update to version 9.16.20
d8ef698a9fc9 cgi-io: update to latest Git HEAD
6c5169b3956b cgi-io: update to version 2020-10-27
daaacfd24e74 cgi-io: move into out of tree project
d5a7aa18618c haproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.0.25
17f5a0cc8362 python3: update to version 3.7.12
dd6be653dd8b tor: update to version
508c15acb77a irssi: update to 1.2.3
93cfd1679a6f nextdns: Update to version 1.37.1
6f3cd160d273 nextdns: Update to version 1.37.0
72f35e712e9f acme: Fix uhttpd restart to load new certificates
684b71f0cddc click: update to version 7.0
5bd73795e8fc dnsdist: fix default SSL lib spelling
1dd040f9ca89 treewide: Remove GO_PKG_LDFLAGS for stripping binaries
82a3613ec8ad nginx: add PROVIDES nginx-ssl to nginx-all-module
b35c3984e1fd Revert "net/miniupnpd: ext_ip_reserved_ignore support"
72d806d18145 apr: patch CVE-2021-35940
9d3ad065b294 nextdns: Update to version 1.36.0
4b091361ef48 postgresql: disable PIC
0573fb59ab33 file: update to 5.38
b03fe54e0e98 https-dns-proxy: patch CMakeList.txt to use OpenWrt CFLAGS
8ff2671b222e tar: fix CVE-2021-20193
3862bb3e6d65 mc: add a missing Syntax file
47e2ef579e90 git: update to 2.26.3
b39f185bdf90 mc: update to 2.8.27
865ae46492ab unixodbc: use 'install' when copying host binaries
67f403b5e6af perl: perlmod.mk: use 'install' for host binaries
5051c4bb0074 knot: update to version 3.0.8
e0f5b4e2891d knot: update to version 3.0.7
de894d37a666 knot: update to version 3.0.6
0c3d97bf5725 knot: update to version 3.0.5
210e3d9167be https-dns-proxy: update to 2021-07-29-01
a0e39ca02c57 nextdns: Update to version 1.35.0
92abb9917028 adblock: bugfix 4.0.7-9
0872827d2dee librouteros: don't build docs
f31271fed30f net/snort3: Include default configs and snort2lua
de84e781e5b6 syslog-ng: update to version 3.33.2
242dbcebafb9 yggdrasil: bump to 0.4.0
df79c0614cbd vpnbypass: updates to 1.3.2-1
f795536f4884 ruby: update to 2.6.8
a673a232686b addrwatch: Various fixes
1f9aa31eab77 addrwatch: fix broken conffiles
531d59dbc733 addrwatch: update to 1.0.2
ce1781155dfd addrwatch: Add missing limits header for PATH_MAX
879838998e13 luajit: for powerpc, add FPU dependency
be2f1b2c0041 luajit: fix compilation with host clang
29c5a802c4d8 [LuaJIT] Allow MIPS64 support
e5e5c889196b luajit: do not install static libraries to InstallDev
dd627367847d luajit: use dynamic buildmode
192aea109ad6 yggdrasil: allow HTTPS connections
7248e1b957a5 yggdrasil: bump to 0.3.16
fe9b2579f984 yggdrasil: bump to 0.3.15
8687d79f8478 yggdrasil: Ygg-over-ygg bugfix
35531bcb26a0 yggdrasil: bump to 0.3.14
3232f272430a yggdrasil: bump to 0.3.13
2136fafe397d yggdrasil: bump to 0.3.12
05816dbfd83c yggdrasil: Change package configuration to UCI
325bf6bc7540 yggdrasil: fixes build name and version #10309
7087b16140da yggdrasil: uci firewall Section name and cover both IP versions - rename the section instance to yggdrasil (feat. request) - allow zone to cover both ip4 and ip6 fam
56b6518c8898 yggdrasil: bump to 0.3.11
b83f6f9af340 syslog-ng: disable mqtt
c0e93ddff35e libuv: fix CVE-2021-22918
39a92140d19a syslog-ng: update to version 3.33.1
dd32c2cbeeef czmq: disable nss
b7d2b9163cf6 apache: update to 2.4.48
a16402770c32 czmq: update to version 4.2.1
1cd6a5f01992 bind: update to version 9.16.18
b86ca1563ba3 lxc: add patch to switch GPG server
dc621a9b195f snort3: Backport stable version from 21.02
5d189c1013a6 libdaq3: New package, dependency of snort3
d6b64bb65368 msmtp: update to version 1.8.15
a2ab06243970 youtube-dl: update to version 2021.4.7
118b0cb9d608 youtube-dl: update to version 2021.2.10
b18aab0d13f9 python3: update to version 3.7.11
9bcac7859a80 nextdns: Update to version 1.34.2
2294d252b3ef ddns-scripts: standardize required params declaration
730e14da79f6 python-dateutil: pin setuptools-scm version to 5.0.2
d1aac139a698 Revert "python-dateutil: disable setuptools-scm for build"
29da5d65b6dc python-dateutil: disable setuptools-scm for build
b955b6943504 nextdns: Update to version 1.33.11
0f5fbe1f5bfd nano: update to 5.8
ce1ae404c3a6 net/mosquitto: Update to 1.6.15
9355f9503d17 ksmbd: update to 3.3.7
2c328f3d8abd ksmbd: update to 3.3.6
08d1a66e3d9f ksmbd: update to 3.3.5
9882a54c48 kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.245
fdea0036a2 openssl: bump to 1.1.1l
40c03b101c openssl: use --cross-compile-prefix in Configure
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
The OpenWrt routing feed was moved to the OpenWrt GitHub org.
Update the URL, as the old one might not work in the future.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
(cherry picked from commit 3f8d12f55c)
1c90bc08a banip: remove logd dependency
ad6476b4f Merge pull request #15728 from stangri/19.07-https-dns-proxy
2b0cb41c0 https-dns-proxy: 2021-05-14 bugfix: fallback to HTTP/1 by default
e8c0e3c20 netdata: update to version 1.30.1
e23677d86 Merge pull request #15717 from stangri/19.07-https-dns-proxy
b28e2c763 https-dns-proxy: update to 2021-05-14-1; bugfixes for dhcp server backup
2543c33b0 syslog-ng: update to 3.32.1
e05c97a19 nano: update version to 5.7
91e1399cf nextdns: Update to version 1.32.1
9fd4ed8af bind: bump to 9.16.15
aebeefcd5 zerotier: update to 1.6.5
18b564ef5 Merge pull request #15509 from hswong3i/openwrt-19.07-SQUID_enable-ssl-crtd
ad6712d42 squid: Enable dynamic SSL certificate generation
439da3db8 mosquitto: fix log_type config support
221785358 ksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.9
3412c7a45 dnscrypt-proxy2: sync blocked-names to upstream one
139217f8a dnscrypt-proxy2: upgrade to 2.0.45
27678dc75 adblock: fix polish source URL
e426ad56b Merge pull request #15477 from rs/nextdns-1.32.0-openwrt-19.07
6027afee1 nextdns: Update to version 1.32.0
afed88b48 Merge pull request #15468 from rs/nextdns-1.12.5-openwrt-19.07
f1e6b878f nextdns: Update to version 1.12.5
11dc84032 irqbalance: upgrade to version 1.8.0
287154116 pulseaudio: update to 14.0
3bdf75bd2 pulseaudio: fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL APIs
ba0558e8a pulseaudio: fix compilation with ICONV_FULL
1248994b9 pulseaudio: Update ARM NEON/VFP detection
4021cb65a pulseaudio: do not build NEON with unsupported platforms
8eb7d95ba pulseaudio: add lto and gc-sections to reduce size
15fb6ec36 pulseaudio: fix pkgconfig paths
eac2ca1c6 pulseaudio: update to 13.0
f0aa4486a pulseaudio: Backport upstream patch
e5701228c Merge pull request #15384 from VolunteerComputingHelp/openwrt-19.07
8ca4ab69e Merge pull request #15413 from luizluca/19.07/ruby-2.6.7
5c16a052f ruby: update to 2.6.7
807e088bb netdata: disable shared memory totals by default
09ba05583 https-dns-proxy: bugfix: race condition with dnsmasq
0072fc533 boinc: Transfer v7.16.16 from 21.02 to 19.07
ba1a801f7 adblock: fix games_tracking source url
1cf2e3530 Merge pull request #15254 from dibdot/19.07
74c8fb403 travelmate: minimal change to fix cp detection
56e1674ef rpcd-mod-lxc: add postinst to reload rpcd on update/installation
560a0ea2b ksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.8
0863ab323 ksmbd-tools: Add a mDNS TXT record for the ksmbd service
52d3ce0f6 ksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.7
f275b3f41 ksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.6
ba329c4ea ksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.5
055b1cd58 nut: fix typo in nutshutdown script
e88b4d873 netdata: update to version 1.29.3
f6bc822ff syslog-ng: update to version 3.31.2
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
e26b474 Merge pull request #644 from ecsv/batadv-for-19.07
369908c alfred: Start up alfred without valid interfaces
97e7600 alfred: Fix procd process handling for disable state
0a3432d Merge pull request #636 from ecsv/batadv-for-19.07
596dc84 batman-adv: Merge bugfixes from 2021.0
862a2df batctl: Merge bugfixes from 2021.0
fec1aa6dfb mt76: update to the latest version
224fa47bf9 ramips: mark toggle input on EX6150 as a switch
3a05aa17db mac80211: Remove 357-mac80211-optimize-skb-resizing.patch
171d8bce0c ramips: remove factory image for TP-Link Archer C2 v1
2eb8444363 ath79: fix USB power GPIO for TP-Link TL-WR810N v1
d5a8e85878 wolfssl: Backport fix for CVE-2021-3336
cf5e5204d9 bcm63xx: sprom: override the PCI device ID
4465b44fc1 kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.219
4b9ade65ec bcm63xx: R5010UNv2: fix flash partitions for 16MB flash
ab9cb390be hostapd: fix P2P group information processing vulnerability
1e90091c5d opkg: update to latest git HEAD of branch openwrt-19.07
312c05611b kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.218
3100649458 wolfssl: enable HAVE_SECRET_CALLBACK
e9d2aa9dc6 wolfssl: Fix hostapd build with wolfssl 4.6.0
2044c01de8 wolfssl: Update to v4.6.0-stable
5ac0b2b431 mvebu: omnia: make initramfs image usable out of the box
b14eeccdfe ath79: image: fix initramfs for safeloader devices
cb58c7fe73 kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.212
fb52c40531 wireless-regdb: Update to version 2020.11.20
7711a5906a wireless-regdb: bump to latest release 2020-04-29
c03f018220 openssl: update to 1.1.1i
0a59e2a76e mac80211: Update to version 4.19.161-1
3f5fecfd33 ramips: enable LED VCC for Asus RT-AC51U
d830403133 toolchain: kernel-headers: kernel Git tree mirror hash
8c2bb1d9b6 toolchain: kernel-headers: fix check target for kernel Git tree
a47caacaf3 download.pl: properly cleanup intermediate .hash file
605adb1023 download: handle possibly invalid local tarballs
5abe989475 cmake.mk,rules.mk: fix host builds using CMake and ccache
77734ce82a cmake.mk: set C/CXX compiler for host builds as well
ebe8cc2b2a mvebu: fixup Turris Omnia U-Boot environment
f10332c292 mvebu: base-files: Update Turris Omnia U-Boot environment
ca1ee39854 mvebu: Add turris-omnia.bootscript
f61e053e72 uboot-envtools: mvebu: update uci defaults for Turris Omnia
f1525e785e kernel: backport GD25Q256 support from 4.15
c72b7a4f0d kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.209
c420f77678 wireguard-tools: fix category/description in menuconfig
b77fabe01 Merge pull request #13911 from ja-pa/libexif-sec-19.07
e74565a0b libexif: update to 0.6.22
68eb1943c mwan3: add missing dependency
b038148cc mwan3: Remove fork/exec for head
c5d61945f haproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.0.19
5b3870890 php7: update to 7.2.34
2bd627ec7 Merge pull request #13828 from jgora/jgora
d1d53a3ac xtables-addons: Support IPTV Timeshift
05efc24fd youtube-dl: update to version 2020.11.1.1
5db211c62 youtube-dl: update to version 2020.9.20
7b1ac9283 youtube-dl: update to version 2020.9.14
3a61338ab bind: update to version 9.16.8
2331de4ec libftdi1: disable building documentation
73c7bcb63 libftdi1: Fix pkgconfig paths properly
82208ceca libftdi1: Apply pkgconfig fixes to libftdipp1 as well
58b6d0ee5 libftdi1: Partially add back InstallDev
55e7acc25 libftdi1: Remove faulty change from last patch
45e7e13dc libftdi1: Don't build examples
089699b1e tinyproxy: convert to procd
39ce33461 tinyproxy: update to 1.10.0
b07f752e7 nextdns: Update to version 1.8.8
99e77a716 openconnect: allow specify --protocol from config
37303e1f0 adblock: update 4.0.7-2
5dbbb7ebf adblock: update 4.0.7
0c9206469 zoneinfo: Updated to the latest release
a9162448c zoneinfo: Updated to the latest release
abcbc5e1c zoneinfo: Updated to the latest release.
2a8279c161 layerscape: Fix check after kernel update
ac5297340e kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.206
589c3cf4e0 ath79: remove wmac mtd-mac-address for UniFi AC family
2a3dbded93 feeds: add freifunk feed
ad3c2b9736 ath79: use correct firmware name for UniFi AP
84ae238324 ramips: fix logic level for DIR-645 buttons
c25e3275ac ath79: fix LED labels for PowerCloud CAP324
78c4c04dd7 uci: Backport security fixes
3af9c5fefd uboot-envtools: mvebu: fix config for mainline u-boot
7fbee0c7b2 mvebu: Add bootscript for espressobin to support mainline firmware
14903d9d8c kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.202
03a029745f firmware: intel-microcode: update to 20200616
95d60bf881 firmware: amd64-microcode: update to 20191218
dda5e3db19 firewall: options: fix parsing of boolean attributes
7dd822983b kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.201
aee081e62e oxnas: fix qc_prep return in sata driver after kernel 4.14.200
6696fddfd9 mac80211: do not allow bigger VHT MPDUs than the hardware supports
9c718b5478 kernel: bump 4.14 to 4.14.200
b21bea7b1b ath79: ar8216: make switch register access atomic
891022918d scripts: getver.sh: fix version based on stable branch
8076fb59ab openssl: bump to 1.1.1h
f4286d7bc2 ath79: fix rssi-low LED for My Net Range Extender
d82e6a2f10 kernel: Update to version 4.14.199
86b44028e2 comgt: fix hotplug event handling
34a9652904 Revert "ramips: ethernet: fix to interrupt handling"
Build-tested: x86-64, ath79-generic, ipq40xx-generic
a2673dc53 fastd: fix buffer leak when receiving invalid packets
51bf00834 logrotate: update to version 3.17.0
8715cef64 logrotate: update to 3.16.0
acb77d5be python3: Update to 3.7.9, refresh/remove backported patches
4af889f20 travelmate: bugfix single radio mode
cb3bab180 netdata: update to version 1.26.0
70bb0b4c8 bind: update to version 9.16.7
d05698fae freeradius3: move "release_" from PKG_VERSION
93360e625 freeradius3: add meta-package for default modules
2f7338b62 python-urllib3: update to version 1.25.10 (security fix)
50a67ed74 nextdns: Update to version 1.8.6
b48575ef4 chrony: update to 3.5.1
35e6986a0 nextdns: mark /etc/config/nextdns as configuration file
418e3b294 simple-adblock: config update file fix
9ac587ca8 libuv: update to 1.40.0
613d21085 nano: update to 5.3
992746571 btrfs-progs: update to version 5.7
cedba1ca2 btrfs-progs: update to version 5.6
25b2751f8 python-pytz: update to 2019.03
f3b424139 adblock: refresh blocklist sources
ec628b10d syslog-ng: bump version in config file
d0a74afad syslog-ng: tweak shell code of network_localhost little bit
f705a5a93 python-sentry-sdk: Update to version 0.12.3
2976a5a0e haproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.0.18
eec7bd646 tor: update to version
91af4cf72 mariadb: Update to the latest version from 10.2 branch
9461ae47a Werkzeug: Update to version 0.16.0
f9d9ae8c8 Flask: update to version 1.1.2
4a833e3a8 Flask: Update to version 1.1.1
a4534f160 gstreamer1: enable build options necessary for most applications
8a71cdd6a python-ifaddr: update to version 0.1.7
05ea7dfc6 nextdns: Update to version 1.8.5
9069ad925 ipmitool: fix CVE-2020-5208
826fc8921 nextdns: Update to version 1.8.4
ac7f78285 openconnect: updated to 8.10 to address CVE-2020-12823
3f0e26637 python-zeroconf: update to version 0.28.0
fe7ceaa65 python-zeroconf: update to version 0.24.4
49459505e mwan3: fix typo in mwan3_set_sticky_iptables
cae961784 ocserv: include ocserv-worker
2af61c9a4 vpnbypass: README update, code cleanup
b00feac4b ocserv: updated to 1.1.1
c614914da miniupnpd: add miniupnpd ipv6_disable option, #11971 close
70e57317b simple-adblock: add config auto-update feature
94866d76a collectd: update to 5.12.0
b60fa2de9 collectd: update PKG_RELEASE
aeefbbe34 collectd: remove quotation on interval this is an number
b0ad32a3e collectd: move include line
fbe7abcd5 collectd: update PKG_RELEASE
f53b79ced collectd: fix ubi data source type
67a403bfe collectd: add ubi uci and plugin info
37335cf65 collectd: enable ubi plugin
03425a0d2 zmq: fix compilation when libbsd is present
8bb1d13a9 pigeonhole: update to 0.5.11
86da3bbeb zmq: update to version 4.3.3 (security fix)
e72b47469 zmq: fix the installed files
48339ba10 zmq: fix pkgconfig file
ef30f8bf8 zmq: update to 4.3.2
a7d129fc2 zmq: switch to building with CMake
a4cbd04df libxml2: patch security issues
207660987 net/u2pnpd: convert init to procd
2d410422c freeradius3: fix hostname invocation in radtest
066ac0392 freeradius3: enable radtest utility
338fa663c samba4: update to 4.11.12
399e1a0bf youtube-dl: update to version 2020.9.6
7825df65f msmtp: update to version 1.8.12
eb8130508 dovecot: disable zstd
538647a26 syslog-ng: update to version 3.29.1
473ca554f php7: update to 7.2.33
62171036b nextdns: Update to version 1.8.3
953de3ca8 gnutls: update to version 3.6.15 (security fix)
d515d9c35 dovecot: update to version (security fix)
a2634c264 nextdns: Update to version 1.8.2
1cf41a88c python-rsa: downgrade to version 4.5 for python2
54847cc7c unbound: improve odhcpd rapid update robustness
d17720f04 htop: update to 3.0.1-1
d953d80bf htop: update to 3.0.0-1
af4cd94a2 htop: fix compilation with GCC10
7af8eaad1 python-rsa: update to version 4.6 (security fix)
8b0457c55 knot: update to version 2.9.6
f2edf8c53 git: update to version 2.26.2 (security fix)
99d0878d0 python,python3: Use locked for host pip
791e0bc76 nano: update to 5.2
3c6b45ab3 clamav: update to version 0.102.4 (security fix)
0202fdc27 clamav: update to version 0.102.3 (security fix)
c5c0e2e33 clamav: update to 0.102.2
9700cea70 bind: New upstream version 9.16.6
256a631d9 bind: update to 9.16.4
ac79fde24 simple-adblock: bugfix: update config; use command -v
4e1bfa748 nspr: update to version 4.27
120ff2c63 nspr: nspr add -flto to compile
847ed6e0f nspr: fix compilation with newer musl
2f58b610d nspr: update to 4.25
fab10b8df nss: update to version 3.55 (security fix)
7c3b05d33 nss: update to 3.53
46d315d31 nss: fix build for mips64 disable arm32_neon on unsupported target
638b1642e nss: revert -flto change it seems that it can lead to segfault in libfreebl3.so
be95fcb78 nss: add -flto and makefile cleanup
f0e6ceff3 nss: update to 3.52
e5d732722 nss: update to 3.51.1
e713f74b7 nss: update to 3.51
d2efcd926 nss: update to 3.50
6a3d05272 nss: update to 3.49.2
5e371c2d5 libffi: fix build failure on powerpc platforms
0413252f3 libffi: update to 3.3
70faa62f3 libffi: do not build in a special directory
9ec9bea25 net/mosquitto: Update to 1.6.12
2f7867074 python3: fix rebasing error
769d51fa9 python: fix host compilation with clang
37857a3f2 python3: fix host compilation with clang
b28c614d3 lvm2: fix CE in mac
2d7ea69dd3 mac80211: Fix potential endless loop
5a1e4a7fdb oxnas: reduce size of ATA DMA descriptor space
19b8696dd7 mbedtls: update to 2.16.7
a2a75c21bd kernel: Update kernel 4.14 to version 4.14.195
8b0278a17e ath79: add support for TP-Link TL-WR710N v2.1
33973a90dc tools/tplink-safeloader: use soft_ver 1.9.1 for archer c6 v2
fce5101469 tplink-safeloader: update soft_ver for TP-Link Archer C6 v2 (EU)
350883bb90 Revert "scripts/download: add sources CDN as first mirror"
d8ecaef409 generic: platform/mikrotik: fix incorrect test
008db6b970 ath79: enable gpio on ar933x by default
3df63fba70 ath79: fix syntax error in ar7240_tplink_tl-wa.dtsi
be09fdbf36 ath79: ar724x: make sure builtin-switch is enabled in DT
5d3e5d6ccc ath79: WNR612v2: improve device support
fba9a88821 ath79: add LAN LEDs control bits for AR724x GPIO function pinmux
This adds an important bugfix for BATMAN V users
("batman-adv: Fix own OGM check in aggregated OGMs").
b77498bd56 Merge pull request #603 from ecsv/batadv-for-19.07
6dea537c07 batman-adv: Merge bugfixes from 2020.3
0e5c75f536 Merge pull request #601 from bluewavenet/openwrt-19.07
ad8f02a4aa opennds: Backport v5.2.0
017d89d569 batctl: Enable build of mcast_flags subcommand
Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@c0d3.blue>
cd2de9dc5 net/pagekitec: Update to v0.91.200718
d7b38d736 simple-adblock: README and config update
0d8f39a36 tor: fix init scripts
a21ffc8eb tor: update init script
30f5119a4 netatalk: fix compile error in mac os
8658203e6 gerbera: fix conffiles
83e58b67d youtube-dl: update to version 2020.7.28
98480822e youtube-dl: update to version 2020.6.16.1
f384d8d78 youtube-dl: update to version 2020.6.6
65d98a79f youtube-dl: update to version 2020.5.29
010b5e6fb youtube-dl: update to version 2020.5.8
b32500958 mwan3: update version to 2.8.12
5f934c667 mwan3: unify variable check
138d02cfc mwan3: remove lock file entirely
520eeb080 mwan3: revert: also cleanup lock on mwan3 stop
294e7503b mwan3: fix race condition on mwan3 restart
e8e290e0f gerbera: enable matroska and ffmpeg
f73b1da1a libmatroska: update to 1.6.0
16d65196a libmatroska: add
18b9aeb4c libebml: update to 1.4.0
39abfa8d7 libebml: add
5bfc1c9cf mwan3: update version to 2.8.11
e02cac815 mwan3: add online and uptime to detail output
538d2fd7c mwan3: add workaround for procd change
b340df682 mwan3: also cleanup lock on mwan3 stop
b5ed0033c mwan3: fix rtmon routing table function generation
2c89e14c3 mwan3: fix IPv6 routing add handling
447d51edb mwan3: fix idx calculation
37e2f8820 mwan3: version bump
b9e346125 mwan3: cleanup duplicate ipv4 and ipv6 logic
db46d3ab0 mwan3: don't send iptable setup failures to /dev/null
383555d07 mwan3: add default rule for ipv6 in example config
dc25b38f1 mwan3: don't try to use ipv6 if not installed
ec45ff805 mwan3: be more efficient with sleep after killing trackers
d6b051b8c mwan3: don't add single ipv4 to connected list if already covered by a cidr
f834ba0fc mwan3: update version to 2.8.9
2f2044ecb mwan3: cleanup function mwan3_create_iface_route
db3c8326f mwan3: fix shellcheck warning SC2086
7d0f2cdb6 mwan3: fix shellcheck warning SC2166
c0b111fea mwan3: remove unused variable complained by shellcheck
3443eb3c7 mwan3: fix shellcheck warning SC2039
be8f287aa mwan3: move redirect error output to trash
08111b9c7 nextdns: Update to version 1.7.1
3272114cc mc: update to 4.8.25
a2b02f67d netdata: update to version 1.23.2
80a38c595 admin/netdata: Update to 1.22.1
76b143e00 netdata: update to version 1.20.0
f29fdc7c2 liblz4: fix previous patch
b40a139fb meson: allow compilation in a subdirectory
9d03a1ea5 liblz4: add patch removing distutils requirement
5f22b6c38 liblz4: convert to meson
345cb18d4 tor: update to version (security fix)
da4a05296 mocp: disable ffmpeg
9b0e858c0 mpd: update to 0.21.25
7b269ec49 dovecot: remove incorrect PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS
14c248274 faad2: update to 2.9.2
f593c37cd xz: update to 5.2.5
97842ae44 zstd: fix compilation without host distutils
00f29de5f zstd: update to 1.4.5
1dc0c3b79 zstd: remove lto and as-needed flags
01abd5d37 zstd: convert to meson
6ae076fd1 aria2: Build with MIPS16
2cdf132b9 aria2: Update to 1.35.0
5200d6449 libvorbis: update to 1.3.7
e798f539c msmtp: update to version 1.8.11
780c45377 msmtp: update to version 1.8.10
0821c5001 squid: update to version 4.12
5658fd93f squid: fix 'localhet' typo in squid.conf
3b285bfaa quasselc: fix compilation with newer glib2
2c6155c9c gkrellmd: update to 2.3.11
fa49751a8 sumo: Update to 1.3.1
ddb0af406 python3: Backport security fixes
1a527963c golang: Update to 1.13.14
54b76dfd7 haveged: update to 1.9.13
984a32fff libvorbisidec: update to version 20180319
fb687b542 dnscrypt-proxy2: update to version 2.0.44
5ed85c038 openvswitch: bump to version 2.11.3
6a0eeda77 getdns: fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL APIs
805c1344e getdns: properly remove libbsd support
cc0eb59f4 ntpd: update to version 4.2.8p15 (security fix)
fe32da084 python3-maxminddb: Fix build when using newer setuptools
4b0c1f871 python3: Use default _PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM
86d2bfe02 mwan3: Fix mwan3 start not doing anything Due to a missing config load function call, mwan3 start runs ifup for an empty list of interfaces, thus not calling ifup at all.
b74d5e9c1 mwan3: update version to 2.8.7
4f394c259 mwan3: set status to unknown in rpcd if status file not found
f7749c663 mwan3: switch to procd init script
0498a2b35 mwan3: address reviewer comments on 5147dfc7
cc1bb3e8b mwan3: Use /128 for ipv6 if no other source address was found
74b6f1084 mwan3: Allow user to specify rules based on source interface
c14e74a5a mwan3: Do not mangle outgoing ipv6 pings
465baa46c mwan3: version bump to 2.8.6
19bebd3d8 mwan3: force busybox ping
ffce45e36 mwan3: don't add ipv6 link local address to routing tables
a3c399d01 mwan3: reduce calls to `ip route list'
4af28cc68 mwan3: Update Makefile
0693f0c9e mwan3: Don't use /128 address for ping source
7434c91c5 stubby: add build dependency on check package
140e2ea19 stubby: update to version 0.3.0
048a39258 getdns: update to version 1.6.0
0c03b71b8 samba4: update to 4.11.11
28b5a2b04 mc: fix mouse handling
9b3ce06b9 travis: improve build config
2461e7978 travis: Use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Focal Fossa
d7bec1b0f travis: Use Ubuntu (Bionic Beaver) 18.04 LTS
a80754337 travis: use mpc85xx-p2020 sdk instead of ar71xx
2a9998771 travis: Download SDK from OpenWrt instead of LEDE
b80db2c80 bind: add nslookup alternative to busybox nslookup
3c3a1f761 bind: update to version 9.16.3
177623c5f bind: update to version (security fix)
b73f479ea bind9: update to 9.16.1
d78bdbd8a python3: Update to 3.7.8, refresh/rework patches
c7495a200 syslog-ng: detect disabled IPv6 on loopback and fallback to IPv4
cd080dded miniupnpd: added libcap dependency
b418029e4 miniupnpd: update to 2.1.20200510
231e47185 miniupnpd: suppress grep and uci errors
5cb388497 miniupnpd: improve hotplug & interface handling
f49c2c71c stubby: fix handling of tls_port config option
f51ec94f8 acme: Bump release version
f7e03d127 acme: Handle ecc cert correctly
0e5b27324 acme: Handle log message correctly
4344723f8 https-dns-proxy: re-add conffiles and add description to Makefile
2c4644bf9 https-dns-proxy: bugfix: remove eDNS support
8044a7014 nextdns: Update to version 1.7.0
e1b8d033e irqbalance: fix socket directory and create it
4a129a996 treewide: add conffiles
ca6751a7d irqbalance: fix compilation for USE_GLIBC and BUILD_NLS cases
9bdd0f113 haveged: update to 1.9.12
45e78b34a Revert "ksmbd: update to 3.2.0, ksmbd-tools: update to 3.2.6"
1b1c2c598 haproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.0.15
fd3648a7b transmission: add access to web interface files to procd jail
054b87df4 transmission: add a disabled notification
8cb936731 transmission: update to 3.0
de86c989a upmpdcli: update to 0.4.6
9e108dcc7 upmpdcli: Update to 1.4.2
c82f63114 haveged: update to 1.9.11
445c3d8f8 perl: fix build failure in GCC10
456fc88c4 libtirpc: update to 1.2.6
b61848fd0 wsdd2: update to git 2020-05-06
de09918ac simple-adblock: racially-neutral names
5fcf2cb09 unbound: make option interface_auto default on
950646f6c unbound: bump PKG_RELEASE
ba19244b8 unbound: suggest matched domain option for dnsmasq link
72b0ea4b5 samba4: update to 4.11.9
d88405ba8 ksmbd: update to 3.2.0, ksmbd-tools: update to 3.2.6
1a0db6a21 softethervpn5: update to 5.01.9674
91be27471 rpcsvc-proto: update to 1.4.1
c0dce1d3a adblock: update 4.0.6
0ff5cb54e mpd: update to 0.21.24
982e7e2fa adblock: update 4.0.5-5
e2bd118b3 less: update ALTERNATIVES
53fc73b57 simple-adblock: remove obsolete dshield.org links from config
a93ea48b2 golang: Update to 1.13.12
49685b6be collectd: sqm_collect: tidy interval string handling
9a38e786f collectd: sqm_collectd: improve error handling
f89580290 collectd: Improve sqm_collectd error reporting
8dcc144b9 collectd: sqm_collectd improve interface name filter
18128f79d collectd: bump PKG_RELEASE
7ceb83acf collectd: SQM collect data from some qdiscs
9f20fbba5 collectd: add syslog json plugin
fdf5d41b5 rrdtool1: modify logarithmic scale labelling
e667100a9 knot: update to version 2.9.5
aef8cb50f knot: disable libcap-ng
550fa7c28 knot: update to version 2.9.3
1fe19e712 linuxptp: fix build failure
267b49087 sslh: use tls option instead of deprecated ssl
37f5ae61b gnutls: updated to 3.6.14
3efdcd808 mpd: enable id3tag for all builds
f0fd4c151 nextdns: Update to version 1.6.4
18efcda21 simple-adblock: bugfix: proper error reporting on failed downloads; lists update script
86727bd158 hostapd: improve TITLE for packages
bf58bfb90e mediatek: mt7623: fix sysupgrade from vendor OpenWrt on UniElec U7623
2147c33e40 mediatek: mt7623: add explicit console= to U7623 kernel
8fbe450e40 curl: patch CVE-2020-8169
7d6e504dbe make_ext4fs: Update to version 2020-01-05
a225164bb5 make-ext4fs: update to HEAD of 2017-05-29 - eebda1
afaa978b74 firewall: backport patch for mss clamping in both directions
a2c9fc9ff0 ath79: correctly define WiFi switch for TL-WR841ND v8
7022f1eb13 bcm47xx: fix switch setup for Linksys WRT610N v2
fba22d89a9 tplink-safeloader: expand support list for TP-Link CPE210 v3
a785aed70e lantiq/xrx200: make WLAN button responsive on Fritzbox 7360 & 7362
4a9d6320af lantiq/xrx200: fix WLAN button actions for Fritzbox 3370
284cd7d18e lantiq/xrx200: make WLAN button responsive on Fritzbox 3370
2ca5a386ee vxlan: bump and change to PKG_RELEASE
e894e1b2f0 vxlan: fix udp checksum control
8c19171255 ipq40xx: fix ethernet vlan double tagging
b9a89bf7b5 build,json: fix compatibility with Python 3.5
9c0ad7f1d5 build: fix compatibility with python 3.6
78f57fbce6 build,json: fix build failure in case no data is found
270711b8ed build,json: store arch_packages in profiles.json
e3618eb2cc build: store default/device packages in JSON
3dbd74d032 imagebuilder: Remove json_info_files/ before build
8ea6be1510 kirkwood: support for button in Pogoplug V4
de75d6ecfa lantiq: dts: Move the &usb_vbus nodes out of &gpio
2d14da2c7d ar71xx: Fix mikrotik NAND compile problem
673e7944bb ar71xx: Fix mikrotik NAND compile problem
73e0ea1ea9 armvirt,x86: fix build breakage of crypto ccp module
d46650de7c nghttp2: bump to 1.41.0
9cad70044f kernel: fix nand_release() usage.
820f4654c6 wireguard: bump to 1.0.20200611
f4985a22ca kernel: Update kernel 4.14 to version 4.14.187
73fecd36bf mac80211: fix use of local variable
938839a565 scripts: JSON merge don't crash if no JSON found
3572711e3c build: refactor JSON info files to `profiles.json`
b7bac0737e build: image: fix build breakage of some images
8a0362c699 build: create JSON files containing image info
8293c8ed46 ath79: do not build TP-Link tiny images by default
670eeb7888 mediatek: fix IPv4-only corner case and commit in 99-net-ps
9c58f5d4ff bcm63xx: DGND3700v1: fix port order
ebefdf61ed ramips: increase SPI frequency for ELECOM WRC-GST devices
6b042217d7 mvebu: fix default EU regdomain for Linksys WRT AC devices
a2c556aa8f libnetfilter-queue: fix package title and description
8adbe26f6e base-files: remove urandom-seed definition
b40e6bc55f ath79: drop and consolidate redundant chosen/bootargs
153392e209 ath79: add support for TP-Link TL-WA801ND v3/v4
6520659870 uclient: update to 19.07 Git HEAD
b547542297 Revert "uclient: Update to version 2020-06-17"
0c910d8459 uclient: Update to version 2020-06-17
18cf2383b6 bcm63xx: a226m-fwb: fix linux partition offset
e76090945 unbound: expose interface-auto to UCI
0d9483608 Merge pull request #12382 from neheb/gst-p
1d9283083 gst1-plugins-bad: don't add webp support
3f922137d Merge pull request #12383 from neheb/pige
92778390b gst1-libav: update to 1.16.2
216f42ee8 gst1-plugins-ugly: update to 1.16.2
c20a65698 gst1-plugins-bad: update to 1.16.2
eeb2c01d9 gst1-plugins-good: update to 1.16.2
83df5f091 gst1-plugins-base: update to 1.16.2
eee7ce2b4 gstreamer1: update to 1.16.2
3025f6c32 pigeonhole: Update to 0.5.9
114823c7c pigeonhole: reflect license of LGPL-2.1-or-later
59ca87226 pigeonhole: update to 0.5.8
41cb01203 gst1-libav: update to 1.16.1
c187321ac gst1-plugins-ugly: update to 1.16.1
16b7bb066 gst1-plugins-bad: Make HLS crypto explicit
c83524006 gst1-plugins-bad: update to 1.16.1
a0bf86150 gst1-plugins-good: update to 1.16.1
990a21184 gst1-plugins-base: update to 1.16.1
ca4a06a25 gstreamer1: update to 1.16.1
235891593 net/mosquitto: bump to 1.6.10
620838fc9 ola: fix compilation with GCC4
142fd306e dovecot: update to version (security fix)
c09244b01 adblock: update 4.0.5-4
45313e42f adblock: update 4.0.5-3
6e27e5196 Merge pull request #12348 from adrianschmutzler/fixmake
a9b5867e2 Merge pull request #12294 from neheb/keab
d85c355aa treewide: use relative include paths for python Makefiles
07d541c14 Merge pull request #12339 from ja-pa/transmission-fix-19.07
615d909a2 transmission: init script check syscall list for seccomp
d5062122e Merge pull request #12292 from neheb/spoof
4ceab639b Merge pull request #12269 from neheb/gerb56
9aa0d8cf7 Merge pull request #12330 from rs/nextdns-1.6.3-openwrt-19.07
6e6e5fa2a nextdns: Update to version 1.6.3
b43a7d4b1 Merge pull request #12326 from rs/nextdns-1.6.0-openwrt-19.07
474296dcb nextdns: Update to version 1.6.0
5507a02e2 Merge pull request #12313 from aleksander0m/aleksander/mm-mtu-19.07
ede1a8221 modemmanager: set interface MTU based on bearer settings
c6eea20bc giflib: remove host build
b4cf130cb libtasn1: fix host build under old GCC
5a1699aeb kea: do not build static host binaries
bb42a250b kea: Update kea to the latest stable verion (1.6.2).
1d30a273e kea: Remove openssl host dependency
f22e122e6 kea: update package to 1.6.0 Update kea to the latest stable verion (1.6.0).
6f19b894d kea: remove dependency and reduce file size Remove boost-python3 dependency and reduce file size of the compiled kea-libs
87f4d6ba2 kea: fix kea-admin dependency Fix kea-admin dependency where if procps-ng-ps wasn't available busybox would output an error casuse it does't support showing a processe's PID
1360d1f88 kea: fix and improve makefile Fix an issue where the Makefile wouldn't allow kea to show up in the menuconfig Also added some description to the packages
07538f535 kea: remove python3 dependency of kea-admin
efde7c454 kea: Fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL APIs
09ea6f032 kea: Don't install to STAGING_DIR_HOST
fb58e3b8c spoofer: remove host build + cleanups
deccad892 spoofer: Update to 1.4.5
15257f5b6 adblock: limit domain name length
246fc735b nano: update to 4.9.3
673e76b1c Merge pull request #12275 from micmac1/mar19run
39db22ec9 mariadb: use default umask for rundir
8362f46fe gerbera: backport init and config changes from master
225eeb9a6 gerbera: add taglib support
074444794 libupnp: enable reuseaddr
51efb1723 taglib: update to 1.12-beta-1
778f14f51 taglib: fix taglib-config paths
e74a456c0 taglib: add
c8d2ed2cb adblock: release 4.0.5
a41e068db sslh: update to 1.20
23251b93a Merge pull request #12247 from jefferyto/python-setuptools-site-patch-openwrt-19.07
32fb2ba0d python-setuptools: Fix error when installing from source
6dac29693 python3-setuptools: Fix error when installing from source
49ac1e8b7 bind: update to version 9.14.12
99998e218 syslog-ng: update to version 3.27.1
64ebad3fd syslog-ng: restore service "reload" to actually working
0e80f0486 syslog-ng: including user settings after system settings
98d4126c4 qemu: ignore configure option --disable-ipv6
50148ea08 openvswitch: fix file generation in /etc/modules.d
676e6ddd6 Merge pull request #12216 from BKPepe/19.07-unbound
149a08477 Merge pull request #12231 from jefferyto/python-openssl-ca-certs-openwrt-19.07
c06212082 python-openssl: Add dependency on ca-certs
c32e08f30 python3-openssl: Add dependency on ca-certs
828ba37e0 unbound: update to version 1.10.1
2ccdae9a4 Merge pull request #12206 from micmac1/mar-1907-10413
115f7eeb0 mariadb: install config files readable for all
4f0d10835 mariadb: move mysql_upgrade to the client package
9dda3cc87 mariadb: bump to 10.2.32
5e9f5cd76 Merge pull request #12187 from jefferyto/golang-1.13.11-default-platform-options-openwrt-19.07
d3762591d golang: Set/reset default platform options for target Go compiler
f52fbe1d4 golang: Update to 1.13.11
2e6bd4cb8 php7: update to version 7.2.31
191aac174 Merge pull request #12171 from rs/nextdns-1.5.8-openwrt-19.07
07164dec7 nextdns: Update to version 1.5.8
504a5f1b8 Merge pull request #12169 from jefferyto/arm-aarch64-vfp-neon-openwrt-19.07
a12555cc0 treewide: Enable VFP/NEON optimizations for aarch64
595342148 treewide: Update ARM NEON/VFP detection
5f5d63e79 Merge pull request #12158 from Robby-/openwrt-19.07-eaptlstmpdir
0feb9ad31 freeradius3: Fix to init script.
d8b9b0c92 Merge pull request #12141 from EricLuehrsen/unbound_1907_1100
8668e83d5 unbound: update to 1.10.0
2e01dd838 miniupnpd: make hotplug work again
468f6fa13 Merge pull request #12127 from aleksander0m/aleksander/mm-qmi-19.07
1c8e2e0c2 modemmanager: release 1.12.10
cea4fbe30 modemmanager: fix compilation under uClibc-ng
86fedfd52 libqmi: update version to 1.24.12