In addition to significant internal differences in check_site_lib.lua (in
particular unifying error handling to a single place for the upcoming
multi-domain support), this changes the way fields are addressed in site
check scripts: rather than providing a string like 'next_node.ip6', the
path is passed as an array {'next_node', 'ip6'}.
Other changes in site check scripts:
* need_array and need_table now pass the full path to the sub fields to the
subcheck instead of the key and value
* Any check referring to a field inside a table implies that all higher
levels must be tables if they exist: a check for {'next_node', 'ip6'} adds
an implicit (optional) check for {'next_node'}, which allows to remove many
explicit checks for such tables
MAC and IP addresses are switched. This makes the gluon-client-bridge
package more useful for different routing protocols that don't need a
unique address on the client bridge.
As a side effect, gluon-radvd is now using the next-node address, which had
been considered before, but was dismissed to avoid having gluon-radvd
depend on gluon-next-node and gluon-mesh-batman-adv. This will be useful
for announcing default routes via gluon-radvd.
One downside is that this introduces a minor dependency on batman-adv in
gluon-respondd: the hotplug script that checked for the client interface
before will now check for local-node. This doesn't really matter: for mesh
protocols without a local-node interface, the check will do nothing (which
makes sense, as there is no interface to bind to for mesh-wide respondd).