The new user `gluon` gets UID 1000 and GID 1000 and cannot write to the
mounted gluon directory unless the calling user has the same UID.
On Linux only the first non admin user gets UID 1000, so docker and podman
fail for all other users.
On macOS there is typically no user with UID 1000, so docker and podman
fail for all users.
When no `gluon` user is created, a default user with the same UID and GID
as the calling user is used and everything works fine.
Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <>
`apt-get clean` clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.
It removes everything but the lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and
Co-authored-by: Vieno Hakkerinen <>
Updates the image to have a newer build environment, which is required
for some of the maintainer scripts.
Increases the image size from 414 to 545 MB.
Starting from OpenSSH 9.0p, scp started to use sftp in favor of the
scp protocol by default. As dropbear in OpenWrt currently does not
support sftp by default, we now use the fallback cli switch "-O"
to use the scp protocol for scp.
Iterating over all the package directories in the OpenWrt feed takes a
while, even though it doesn't contain any upgrade scripts. Skip the
whole directory.
0.7.1 complains about unescaped backslashes in double quotes (which are
intepreted by printf in the two affected places). While the warning was
retired with shellcheck 0.7.2, it seems like a good idea to fix it
Using `make container` or, if you don't have automake/gmake on your host
system, `./scripts/` will build an image for the current
branch your are on and drop you into a shell running inside a container
using that image.
From there all tooling required to work on Gluon is available.
Supports both podman (preferred) and docker.
v2: In contrast to the last patches, this is now built on top of ssh
only, without using e.g. 9pfs. Furthermore it works also with
arbitary remote hosts on any target/architecture. Also the
scripts were renamed and moved to /scripts.
The aim of this commit is to allow fast rebuild cycles during the
development of gluon packages.
Currently the following workflow can be used:
# start a local qemu instance
scripts/ output/images/factory/[...].img
# do your changes in the file you want to patch
vi package/gluon-ebtables/files/etc/init.d/gluon-ebtables
# rebuild and update the package
scripts/ package/gluon-ebtables/
# test your changes
# do more changes
# rebuild and update the package
scripts/ package/gluon-ebtables/
# test your changes
(and so on...)
Implementation details:
- Currently this is based on ssh/scp.
- Opkg is used to install/update the packages in the remote machine.
- This works with compiled and non-compiled packages.
- This works with native OpenWrt and Gluon packages.
- This even performs the check_site.lua checks as they are integrated
as post_install scripts into the openwrt package.
- It works for all architectures/targets.
Currently we do not perform CI firmware builds on the next-2102 branch.
Build Gluon for all branches starting with "next" to increase the
coverage of our build tests.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
* apt is meant for user interactive usage. apt does not guarantee a stable CLI.
* set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive to tell apt-get that no user interaction is wanted
The performance benefit the cache brought was due to a broken sources
CDN mirror handling in OpenWrt.
The cache brings no measurable performance benefit. Disable it to slim
down the pipeline steps.
This adds the ability to cache OpenWrt dependencies on a per-target
base. Artifacts over 10MB are excluded, as GitHub imposes a limit of 5G
of available space per repository cache. This affects mostly
linux(-firmware) and gcc / gdb.
The goal is to reduce the total amount of requests necessary to fetch
Do not mix two different HTTP libraries in one script. This fixes a
/var/lib/jenkins/ DeprecationWarning: URLopener style of invoking requests is deprecated. Use newer urlopen functions/methods
This simple implementation has the disadvantage that it stores the whole
file in RAM, but this isn't an issue for the 1.5MB slave.jar.
Fixes a warning:
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host ''. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: