Gluon 2021.1.2

Important notes

This release fixes a **critical security vulnerability** in Gluon's

Upgrades to v2021.1 and later releases are only supported from releases v2018.2
and later. Migration code for upgrades from older versions has been removed to
simplify maintenance.


- The Linux kernel was updated to version 4.14.275
- The mac80211 wireless driver stack was updated to a version based on kernel

Various minor package updates are not listed here and can be found in the commit


* **[SECURITY]** Autoupdater: Fix signature verification

  A recently discovered issue (CVE-2022-24884) in the *ecdsautils* package
  allows forgery of cryptographic signatures. This vulnerability can be
  exploited to create a manifest accepted by the autoupdater without knowledge
  of the signers' private keys. By intercepting nodes' connections to the update
  server, such a manifest allows to distribute malicious firmware updates.

  This is a **critical** vulnerability. All nodes with autoupdater must be
  updated. Requiring multiple signatures for an update does *not* mitigate the

  As a temporary workaround, the issue can be mitigated on individual nodes by
  disabling the autoupdater via config mode or using the following commands::

    uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
    uci commit autoupdater

  A fixed firmware should be installed manually before enabling the autoupdater

  See security advisory `GHSA-qhcg-9ffp-78pw
  for further information on this vulnerability.

* **[SECURITY]** Config Mode: Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

  The Config Mode was not validating the *Origin* header of POST requests.
  This allowed arbitrary websites to modify   configuration (including SSH keys)
  on a Gluon node in Config Mode reachable from a user's browser by sending POST
  requests with form data to

  The impact of this issue is considered low, as nodes are only vulnerable while
  in Config Mode.

* Config Mode: Fix occasionally hanging page load after submitting the
  configuration wizard causing the reboot message and VPN key not to be

* Config Mode (OSM): Update default OpenLayers source URL

  The OSM feature of the Config Mode was broken when the default source URL was
  used for OpenLayers, as the old URL has become unavailable. The default was
  updated to a URL that should not become unavailable again.

* Config Mode (OSM): Fix error when using ``"`` character in attribution text

* respondd-module-airtime: Fix respondd crash on devices with disabled WLAN

  Several improvements were made to the error handling of the
  *respondd-module-airtime* package. The "PHY ID" field (introduced in Gluon
  2021.1) was removed again.

* ipq40xx: Fix bad WLAN performance on Plasma Cloud PA1200 and PA2200 devices

* Fix occasional build failure in "perl" package with high number of threads
  (``-j32`` or higher)

Other improvements

* Several improvements were made to the status page:

  - WLAN channel display does not require the *respondd-module-airtime* package
  - The "gateway nexthop" label now links to the status page of the nexthop node
  - The timeout to retrieve information from neighbour nodes was increased,
    making the display of the name
    of overloaded, slow or otherwise badly reachable nodes more likely to

Known issues

* Upgrading EdgeRouter-X from versions before v2020.1.x may lead to a
  soft-bricked state due to bad blocks on the NAND flash which the NAND driver
  before this release does not handle well.
  (`#1937 <>`_)

* The integration of the BATMAN_V routing algorithm is incomplete.

  - Mesh neighbors don't appear on the status page.
    (`#1726 <>`_)
    Many tools have the BATMAN_IV metric hardcoded, these need to be updated to
    account for the new throughput metric.
  - Throughput values are not correctly acquired for different interface types.
    (`#1728 <>`_)
    This affects virtual interface types like bridges and VXLAN.

* Default TX power on many Ubiquiti devices is too high, correct offsets are
  unknown (`#94 <>`_)

  Reducing the TX power in the Advanced Settings is recommended.

* In configurations without VXLAN, the MAC address of the WAN interface is
  modified even when Mesh-on-WAN is disabled
  (`#496 <>`_)

  This may lead to issues in environments where a fixed MAC address is expected
  (like VMware when promiscuous mode is disallowed).