include $(TOPDIR)/ PKG_NAME:=gluon-hoodselector GLUON_VERSION:=3 PKG_VERSION:=2 include ../ define Package/gluon-hoodselector TITLE:=Automatically migrate nodes between domains. DEPENDS:=+luaposix +libgluonutil +lua-math-polygon +libjson-c +gluon-site +micrond +luabitop @GLUON_MULTIDOMAIN CONFLICTS:=+gluon-config-mode-domain-select endef define Package/gluon-hoodselector/description Hoodselector automatically detects in which domain the node is located based on its geolocation settings. Domains require bounding boxes defined as polygons or rectangles. Hoodselector selects a domain from the list of known domains and migrate towards it without requiring a reboot. endef $(eval $(call BuildPackageGluon,gluon-hoodselector))