local cjson = require 'cjson' local function config_error(src, ...) error(src .. ' error: ' .. string.format(...), 0) end local has_domains = (os.execute('ls -d "$IPKG_INSTROOT"/lib/gluon/domains/ >/dev/null 2>&1') == 0) local function load_json(filename) local f = assert(io.open(filename)) local json = cjson.decode(f:read('*a')) f:close() return json end local function get_domains() local domains = {} local dirs = io.popen("find \"$IPKG_INSTROOT\"/lib/gluon/domains/ -name '*.json'") for filename in dirs:lines() do local name = string.match(filename, '([^/]+).json$') domains[name] = load_json(filename) end dirs:close() if not next(domains) then config_error('site', 'no domain configurations found') end return domains end local site, domain_code, domain, conf local function merge(a, b) local function is_array(t) local n = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do n = n + 1 end return n == #t end if not b then return a end if type(a) ~= type(b) then return b end if type(b) ~= 'table' then return b end if not next(b) then return a end if is_array(a) ~= is_array(b) then return b end local m = {} for k, v in pairs(a) do m[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(b) do m[k] = merge(m[k], v) end return m end local function path_to_string(path) return table.concat(path, '.') end local function format(val) if type(val) == 'string' then return string.format('%q', val) else return tostring(val) end end local function array_to_string(array) local strings = {} for i, v in ipairs(array) do strings[i] = format(v) end return '[' .. table.concat(strings, ', ') .. ']' end function table_keys(tbl) local keys = {} for k, _ in pairs(tbl) do keys[#keys + 1] = k end return keys end local loadpath local function site_src() return 'site.conf' end local function domain_src() return 'domains/' .. domain_code .. '.conf' end local function conf_src(path) local src if has_domains then if loadpath(nil, domain, unpack(path)) ~= nil then src = domain_src() elseif loadpath(nil, site, unpack(path)) ~= nil then src = site_src() else src = site_src() .. ' / ' .. domain_src() end else src = site_src() end return src end local function var_error(path, val, msg) local found = 'unset' if val ~= nil then found = string.format('%s (a %s value)', format(val), type(val)) end config_error(conf_src(path), 'expected %s to %s, but it is %s', path_to_string(path), msg, found) end function in_site(path) if has_domains and loadpath(nil, domain, unpack(path)) ~= nil then config_error(domain_src(), '%s is allowed in site configuration only', path_to_string(path)) end return path end function in_domain(path) if has_domains and loadpath(nil, site, unpack(path)) ~= nil then config_error(site_src(), '%s is allowed in domain configuration only', path_to_string(path)) end return path end function this_domain() return domain_code end function extend(path, c) if not path then return nil end local p = {unpack(path)} for _, e in ipairs(c) do p[#p+1] = e end return p end function loadpath(path, base, c, ...) if not c or base == nil then return base end if type(base) ~= 'table' then if path then var_error(path, base, 'be a table') else return nil end end return loadpath(extend(path, {c}), base[c], ...) end local function loadvar(path) return loadpath({}, conf, unpack(path)) end local function check_type(t) return function(val) return type(val) == t end end local function check_one_of(array) return function(val) for _, v in ipairs(array) do if v == val then return true end end return false end end function alternatives(...) local errs = {'All of the following alternatives have failed:'} for i, f in ipairs({...}) do local ok, err = pcall(f) if ok then return end errs[#errs+1] = string.format('%i) %s', i, err) end error(table.concat(errs, '\n '), 0) end local function check_chanlist(channels) local is_valid_channel = check_one_of(channels) return function(chanlist) for group in chanlist:gmatch("%S+") do if group:match("^%d+$") then local channel = tonumber(group) if not is_valid_channel(channel) then return false end elseif group:match("^%d+-%d+$") then local from, to = group:match("^(%d+)-(%d+)$") from = tonumber(from) to = tonumber(to) if from >= to then return false end if not is_valid_channel(from) or not is_valid_channel(to) then return false end else return false end end return true end end function need(path, check, required, msg) local val = loadvar(path) if required == false and val == nil then return nil end if not check(val) then var_error(path, val, msg) end return val end local function need_type(path, type, required, msg) return need(path, check_type(type), required, msg) end function need_alphanumeric_key(path) local val = path[#path] -- We don't use character classes like %w here to be independent of the locale if type(val) ~= 'string' or not val:match('^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$') then var_error(path, val, 'have a string key using only alphanumeric characters and underscores') end end function need_string(path, required) return need_type(path, 'string', required, 'be a string') end function need_string_match(path, pat, required) local val = need_string(path, required) if not val then return nil end if not val:match(pat) then var_error(path, val, "match pattern '" .. pat .. "'") end return val end function need_number(path, required) return need_type(path, 'number', required, 'be a number') end function need_boolean(path, required) return need_type(path, 'boolean', required, 'be a boolean') end function need_array(path, subcheck, required) local val = need_type(path, 'table', required, 'be an array') if not val then return nil end if subcheck then for i = 1, #val do subcheck(extend(path, {i})) end end return val end function need_table(path, subcheck, required) local val = need_type(path, 'table', required, 'be a table') if not val then return nil end if subcheck then for k, _ in pairs(val) do subcheck(extend(path, {k})) end end return val end function need_value(path, value, required) return need(path, function(v) return v == value end, required, 'be ' .. tostring(value)) end function need_one_of(path, array, required) return need(path, check_one_of(array), required, 'be one of the given array ' .. array_to_string(array)) end function need_string_array(path, required) return need_array(path, need_string, required) end function need_string_array_match(path, pat, required) return need_array(path, function(e) need_string_match(e, pat) end, required) end function need_array_of(path, array, required) return need_array(path, function(e) need_one_of(e, array) end, required) end function need_chanlist(path, channels, required) local valid_chanlist = check_chanlist(channels) return need(path, valid_chanlist, required, 'be a space-separated list of WiFi channels or channel-ranges (separated by a hyphen). ' .. 'Valid channels are: ' .. array_to_string(channels)) end function need_domain_name(path) need_string(path) need(path, function(domain_name) local f = io.open(os.getenv('IPKG_INSTROOT') .. '/lib/gluon/domains/' .. domain_name .. '.json') if not f then return false end f:close() return true end, nil, 'be a valid domain name') end function obsolete(path, msg) local val = loadvar(path) if val == nil then return nil end if not msg then msg = 'Check the release notes and documentation for details.' end config_error(conf_src(path), '%s is obsolete. %s', path_to_string(path), msg) end local check = assert(loadfile()) site = load_json(os.getenv('IPKG_INSTROOT') .. '/lib/gluon/site.json') local ok, err = pcall(function() if has_domains then for k, v in pairs(get_domains()) do domain_code = k domain = v conf = merge(site, domain) check() end else conf = site check() end end) if not ok then io.stderr:write('*** ', err, '\n') os.exit(1) end