## gluon site.mk makefile example ## GLUON_SITE_PACKAGES # specify gluon/openwrt packages to include here # The gluon-mesh-batman-adv-* package must come first because of the dependency resolution GLUON_SITE_PACKAGES := \ gluon-mesh-batman-adv-15 \ gluon-alfred \ gluon-announced \ gluon-autoupdater \ gluon-config-mode-autoupdater \ gluon-config-mode-contact-info \ gluon-config-mode-geo-location \ gluon-config-mode-hostname \ gluon-config-mode-mesh-vpn \ gluon-ebtables-filter-multicast \ gluon-ebtables-filter-ra-dhcp \ gluon-luci-admin \ gluon-luci-autoupdater \ gluon-luci-portconfig \ gluon-next-node \ gluon-mesh-vpn-fastd \ gluon-radvd \ gluon-status-page \ haveged \ iptables \ iwinfo ## DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE # version string to use for images # gluon relies on # opkg compare-versions "$1" '>>' "$2" # to decide if a version is newer or not. DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE := 0.6+exp$(shell date '+%Y%m%d') ## GLUON_RELEASE # call make with custom GLUON_RELEASE flag, to use your own release version scheme. # e.g.: # $ make images GLUON_RELEASE=23.42+5 # would generate images named like this: # gluon-ff%site_code%-23.42+5-%router_model%.bin # Allow overriding the release number from the command line GLUON_RELEASE ?= $(DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE) # Default priority for updates. GLUON_PRIORITY ?= 0 # Languages to include GLUON_LANGS ?= en de