assert(env.GLUON_LANGS) config('CONFIG_GLUON_SITEDIR="%s"', env.GLUON_SITEDIR) config('CONFIG_GLUON_RELEASE="%s"', env.GLUON_RELEASE) try_config('CONFIG_GLUON_BRANCH="%s"', env.GLUON_BRANCH or '') for lang in string.gmatch(env.GLUON_LANGS, '%S+') do try_config('CONFIG_GLUON_WEB_LANG_%s=y', lang) end config('CONFIG_TARGET_%s=y', env.BOARD) if env.SUBTARGET ~= '' then config('CONFIG_TARGET_%s_%s=y', env.BOARD, env.SUBTARGET) end -- Disable non-default feeds in distfeeds.conf config('# CONFIG_FEED_gluon_base is not set') local default_feeds = {} for feed in string.gmatch(exec_capture_raw('. scripts/ && echo "$DEFAULT_FEEDS"'), '%S+') do default_feeds[feed] = true end for feed in string.gmatch(exec_capture_raw('. scripts/ && echo -n "$FEEDS"'), '%S+') do if not default_feeds[feed] then config('# CONFIG_FEED_%s is not set', feed) end end config '# CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS is not set' config 'CONFIG_DEVEL=y' config 'CONFIG_ALL_NONSHARED=y' config '# CONFIG_PACKAGE_usbip is not set' -- fails to build config '# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-jool is not set' -- fails to build config 'CONFIG_BUSYBOX_CUSTOM=y' config '# CONFIG_BUSYBOX_CONFIG_FEATURE_PREFER_IPV4_ADDRESS is not set' config 'CONFIG_PACKAGE_ATH_DEBUG=y' config '# CONFIG_KERNEL_IP_MROUTE is not set' config '# CONFIG_KERNEL_IPV6_MROUTE is not set' try_config 'CONFIG_TARGET_MULTI_PROFILE=y' try_config 'CONFIG_TARGET_PER_DEVICE_ROOTFS=y' if istrue(env.GLUON_MULTIDOMAIN) then config 'CONFIG_GLUON_MULTIDOMAIN=y' end if istrue(env.GLUON_AUTOREMOVE) then config 'CONFIG_AUTOREMOVE=y' end if istrue(env.GLUON_DEBUG) then config 'CONFIG_DEBUG=y' config 'CONFIG_NO_STRIP=y' config '# CONFIG_USE_STRIP is not set' config '# CONFIG_USE_SSTRIP is not set' try_config 'CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE=500' end if not istrue(env.GLUON_MINIFY) then config '# CONFIG_GLUON_MINIFY is not set' end packages { '-odhcpd-ipv6only', '-ppp', '-ppp-mod-pppoe', '-wpad-mini', '-wpad-basic', 'gluon-core', 'ip6tables', }