Gluon 2017.1

General changes

Gluon 2017.1 is the first release of Gluon based on the LEDE 17.01 branch. The
kernel has been updated from 3.18.x to 4.4.x.

We've used the opportunity to greatly simplify the Gluon build system, removing
many hacks that were required to make the build work with older OpenWrt releases.

The *output/modules* directory is now called *output/packages* and provides a
replacement for the whole repository with target-specific packages of LEDE (in
contrast to packages that are common for all targets of the same architecture).
Another change to the build system makes it necessary that the same *GLUON_RELEASE*
value that is used to build the images is also set for ``make manifest``.

GCC 4.8 or newer is now required to build Gluon.

**Note: There is an issue in all Gluon versions before 2016.2.6 that will
lead to x86 systems losing their configuration when upgrading to Gluon 2017.1!**
Older Gluon versions should be upgraded to 2016.2.6 first before switching to

Another potential issue mostly affects virtual machines: Gluon 2017.1 images are
bigger than 2016.2.x images on x86. If your virtual harddisk is based on a
2016.2.x image, it must be resized to 273MB or bigger before upgrading to Gluon
2017.1. Using qemu, the command


  qemu-img resize $IMAGE 273MB

can be used to do this.

Added hardware support


* TP-Link

  - RE450
  - WBS210 v1.20
  - WBS510 v1.20

* Ubiquiti

  - AirGateway LR
  - AirGateway PRO
  - Rocket M2/M5 Ti
  - UniFi AP LR


The new *ar71xx-tiny* target has split out of *ar71xx-generic*; all
*ar71xx-generic* devices with only 4MB of flash have been moved to this target.

In contrast to *ar71xx-generic*, *ar71xx-tiny* **does not support opkg anymore**
to save some space.

* TP-Link

  - TL-WA730RE v1
  - TL-WA7210N v2


The *x86-kvm* and *x86-xen_domu* targets have been removed; the *x86-generic*
images now support these use cases as well, so no separate targets are needed


The new *x86-geode* target for hardware based on Geode CPUs has been added.

New features

* Localization support has been added to the status page. In addition to German,
  there are English and Russian translations now (`#1044 <>`_)

* Add support for making nodes a DNS cache for clients
  (`#1000 <>`_)

  See also: :doc:`../features/dns-cache`

* Add L2TP via tunneldigger as an alternative VPN system
  (`#978 <>`_)

  L2TP will usually give better performance than fastd as it runs in kernel
  space, but it does not provide encryption. Also, tunneling over IPv6 is
  currently unsupported by tunneldigger.

  It is not possible to include both fastd and tunneldigger in the same

* Add source filter package (`#1015 <>`_)

  The new package *gluon-ebtables-source-filter* can be used to prevent traffic
  using unexpected IP addresses or packet types from entering the mesh.

  See also: :doc:`../package/gluon-ebtables-source-filter`


* Disabling batman-adv on an interface (for example when an Ethernet link is lost
  or before sysupgrades) could lead to a kernel crash in certain configurations
  (`#680 <>`_)

* A race condition in the network setup scripts could lead to incomplete setup
  during boot or when interfaces were added or removed from batman-adv after
  Ethernet link changes (`#905 <>`_)

  The fix also solved the long-standing issue of Ethernet-only nodes (i.e. no
  WLAN or VPN mesh) not booting up correctly without an Ethernet mesh link.

* Some fixes in the WLAN stack of LEDE have improved the stability of the ath9k
  driver (`#605 <>`_)

Site changes

* The *gluon-legacy* package does not exist anymore
* All *gluon-luci-* packages have been renamed to *gluon-web-*;
  *gluon-luci-portconfig* is now called *gluon-web-network*
* The *gluon-next-node* package has been merged into the Gluon core and must not
  be specified in ** anymore


* The *fastd_mesh_vpn* configuration section has been restructured to allow
  sharing more options with tunneldigger. Instead of

  .. code-block:: lua

    fastd_mesh_vpn = {
      mtu = 1280,
      configurable = true,
      methods = {'salsa2012+umac'},
      groups = { ... },
      bandwidth_limit = { ... },

  the configuration must look like this now:

  .. code-block:: lua

    mesh_vpn = {
      mtu = 1280,
      fastd = {
        configurable = true,
        methods = {'salsa2012+umac'},
        groups = { ... },
      bandwidth_limit = { ... },

* The *opkg.openwrt* option has been renamed to *opkg.lede*


* The *escape* function has been removed as it was duplicating the existing
  *pcdata* function. All uses of *escape* in i18n templates must be changed to
  use *pcdata* instead.

* The *gluon-config-mode:altitude-label* and *gluon-config-mode:altitude-help*
  translation IDs have been added to allow adjusting the texts for different
  kinds of altitudes that might be expected.

* The optional *gluon-config-mode:novpn* label has been added, which will be
  shown in place of *gluon-config-mode:pubkey* when mesh VPN is disabled.


* The LuCI base libraries have been replaced by a stripped-down
  version called "gluon-web" (`#1007 <>`_)

  Custom packages will need to be adjusted; in particular, all uses of *luci.model.uci*
  need to be replaced with *simple-uci*. The Gluon documentation explains the most important
  changes required to migrate from LuCI to gluon-web.

* respondd now listens on ``ff05::2:1001`` in addition to ``ff02::2:1001`` for mesh-wide
  operation (`#984 <>`_)

  Eventually, ``ff02::2:1001`` will be available for exchanging information
  between neighbouring nodes only; map servers should be moved to ``ff05::2:1001``.

* batman-adv has been updated to version 2017.1

* Directly running make commands in the *lede* directory is supported now. Consequently,
  build targets like ``target/linux/clean`` and ``package/NAME/compile`` can't be used
  in the Gluon repository root anymore.

  The command ``make config`` will set up the LEDE *.config* in the way a normal
  Gluon build would, so it's possible to build individual packages for testing
  and development afterwards.

* Target definitions have been migrated from a Make-based format to a simpler
  shell-based DSL

* Gluon does not pass any custom variables into the LEDE build anymore, so things
  like *GLUONDIR*, *GLUON_VERSION*, or *GLUON_SITEDIR* aren't available
  to package Makefiles in Gluon 2017.1.

  Instead of ``$(GLUONDIR)/``, ``$(TOPDIR)/../package/`` must
  be included in custom packages now.

Known issues

* Default TX power on many Ubiquiti devices is too high, correct offsets are unknown (`#94 <>`_)

  Reducing the TX power in the Advanced Settings is recommended.

* The MAC address of the WAN interface is modified even when Mesh-on-WAN is disabled (`#496 <>`_)

  This may lead to issues in environments where a fixed MAC address is expected (like VMware when promiscuous mode is disallowed).

* Inconsistent respondd API (`#522 <>`_)

  The current API is inconsistent and will be replaced eventually. The old API will still be supported for a while.