-- Functions for use in targets/* local F = {} -- To be accessed by scripts using target_lib local M = setmetatable({}, { __index = F }) local funcs = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) return F[k] or _G[k] end, }) local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) return os.getenv(k) end }) F.env = env assert(env.GLUON_SITEDIR) assert(env.GLUON_TARGETSDIR) assert(env.GLUON_RELEASE) assert(env.GLUON_DEPRECATED) M.site_code = assert(assert(dofile('scripts/site_config.lua')('site.conf')).site_code) M.target_packages = {} M.target_class = nil M.configs = {} M.devices = {} M.images = {} M.opkg = true local default_options = { profile = false, factory = '-squashfs-factory', factory_ext = '.bin', sysupgrade = '-squashfs-sysupgrade', sysupgrade_ext = '.bin', extra_images = {}, aliases = {}, manifest_aliases = {}, packages = {}, class = "standard", deprecated = false, broken = false, } local gluon_devices, unknown_devices = {}, {} for dev in string.gmatch(env.GLUON_DEVICES or '', '%S+') do gluon_devices[dev] = true unknown_devices[dev] = true end function F.istrue(v) return (tonumber(v) or 0) > 0 end local function want_device(dev, options) if options.broken and not F.istrue(env.BROKEN) then return false end if options.deprecated and env.GLUON_DEPRECATED == '0' then return false end if (env.GLUON_DEVICES or '') == '' then return true end unknown_devices[dev] = nil return gluon_devices[dev] end local full_deprecated = env.GLUON_DEPRECATED == 'full' local function merge(a, b) local ret = {} for k, v in pairs(a) do ret[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(b or {}) do assert(ret[k] ~= nil, string.format("unknown option '%s'", k)) ret[k] = v end return ret end -- Escapes a single argument to be used in a shell command -- The argument is surrounded by single quotes, single quotes inside the -- argument are replaced by '\''. -- To allow using shell wildcards, zero bytes in the arguments are replaced -- by unquoted asterisks. function F.escape(s) s = string.gsub(s, "'", "'\\''") s = string.gsub(s, "%z", "'*'") return "'" .. s .. "'" end local function escape_command(command, raw) local ret = '' if not raw then ret = 'exec' end for _, arg in ipairs(command) do ret = ret .. ' ' .. F.escape(arg) end if raw then ret = ret .. ' ' .. raw end return ret end function F.exec_raw(command, may_fail) local ret = os.execute(command) assert((ret == 0) or may_fail) return ret end function F.exec(command, may_fail, raw) return F.exec_raw(escape_command(command, raw), may_fail) end function F.exec_capture_raw(command) local f = io.popen(command) assert(f) local data = f:read('*a') f:close() return data end function F.exec_capture(command, raw) return F.exec_capture_raw(escape_command(command, raw)) end local image_mt = { __index = { dest_name = function(image, name, site, release) return env.GLUON_IMAGEDIR..'/'..image.subdir, 'gluon-'..(site or M.site_code)..'-'..(release or env.GLUON_RELEASE)..'-'..name..image.out_suffix..image.extension end, }, } local function add_image(image) local device = image.image M.images[device] = M.images[device] or {} table.insert(M.images[device], setmetatable(image, image_mt)) end function F.try_config(...) M.configs[string.format(...)] = 1 end function F.config(...) M.configs[string.format(...)] = 2 end function F.class(target_class) M.target_class = target_class end function F.packages(pkgs) for _, pkg in ipairs(pkgs) do table.insert(M.target_packages, pkg) end end M.packages = F.packages function F.device(image, name, options) options = merge(default_options, options) if not want_device(image, options) then return end table.insert(M.devices, { image = image, name = name, options = options, }) if options.sysupgrade then add_image { image = image, name = name, subdir = 'sysupgrade', in_suffix = options.sysupgrade, out_suffix = '-sysupgrade', extension = options.sysupgrade_ext, aliases = options.aliases, manifest_aliases = options.manifest_aliases, } end if options.deprecated and not full_deprecated then return end if options.factory then add_image { image = image, name = name, subdir = 'factory', in_suffix = options.factory, out_suffix = '', extension = options.factory_ext, aliases = options.aliases, manifest_aliases = options.manifest_aliases, } end for _, extra_image in ipairs(options.extra_images) do add_image { image = image, name = name, subdir = 'other', in_suffix = extra_image[1], out_suffix = extra_image[2], extension = extra_image[3], aliases = options.aliases, manifest_aliases = options.manifest_aliases, } end end function F.factory_image(image, name, ext, options) options = merge(default_options, options) if not want_device(image, options) then return end if options.deprecated and not full_deprecated then return end add_image { image = image, name = name, subdir = 'factory', in_suffix = '', out_suffix = '', extension = ext, aliases = options.aliases, manifest_aliases = options.manifest_aliases, } end function F.sysupgrade_image(image, name, ext, options) options = merge(default_options, options) if not want_device(image, options) then return end add_image { image = image, name = name, subdir = 'sysupgrade', in_suffix = '', out_suffix = '-sysupgrade', extension = ext, aliases = options.aliases, manifest_aliases = options.manifest_aliases, } end function F.no_opkg() M.opkg = false end function F.defaults(options) default_options = merge(default_options, options) end function F.include(name) local f = assert(loadfile(env.GLUON_TARGETSDIR .. '/' .. name)) setfenv(f, funcs) return f() end function M.check_devices() local device_list = {} for device in pairs(unknown_devices) do table.insert(device_list, device) end if #device_list ~= 0 then table.sort(device_list) io.stderr:write('Error: unknown devices given: ', table.concat(device_list, ' '), '\n') os.exit(1) end end return M