Linus Lüssing 4199b216c6 ebtables-segment-mld: Segment IGMP/MLD domain
This patch adds a new gluon-ebtables package to filter IGMP/MLD messages
via ebtables.

For one thing this reduces multicast overhead: About one third of all
ICMPv6 multicast traffic in Lübeck or Hamburg is MLD.

Furthermore it removes a potential Distributed Denial-of-Service vector
(see Gluon ticket ).

Finally, it is a prerequisite for enabling bridge multicast snooping in
a decentral and robust fashion.

Note that IGMP/MLD are filtered for multicast traffic coming from
the mesh, too (new MULTICAST_IN), as unfortunately there seem to
be other queriers somewhere in the mesh at least for Freifunk
Lübeck. Also adding these rules to be prepared to anyone intentionally
or unintentionally disabling these filters on his/her node.

Node operators not running Gluon (for instance gateway nodes) should
make sure to either enable multicast_router towards bat0 or disable
multicast snooping entirely if they have a bridge on top of bat0.

Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing <>
2016-05-20 22:59:31 +02:00

52 lines
1.4 KiB

include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/gluon-ebtables-segment-mld
TITLE:=Ebtables filters for IGMP/MLD packets
DEPENDS:=+gluon-core +gluon-ebtables
define Package/gluon-ebtables-segment-mld/description
Gluon community wifi mesh firmware framework: Ebtables filters for
IGMP/MLD packets
These filters drop IGMP/MLD packets before they enter the mesh and
filter any IGMP/MLD packets coming from the mesh.
IGMP/MLD have the concept of a local, elected Querier. For more
decentralization and increased robustness, the idea of this package is
to split the IGMP/MLD domain a querier is responsible for, allowing to
have a querier per node. The split IGMP/MLD domain will also reduce
overhead for this packet type, increasing scalability.
Beware of the consequences of using this package though: You might need
to explicitly, manually mark ports on snooping switches leading towards
your mesh node as multicast router ports for now (Multicast Router
Discovery, MRD, not implemented yet).
define Build/Prepare
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
define Build/Configure
define Build/Compile
define Package/gluon-ebtables-segment-mld/install
$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,gluon-ebtables-segment-mld))