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Meshviewer is an online visualization app to represent nodes and links on a map for Freifunk open mesh network.
Embedded: https://regensburg.freifunk.net/netz/karte/
Standalone: https://regensburg.freifunk.net/meshviewer/
Documentation moved to meshviewer.gitbooks.io.
- Read: https://meshviewer.gitbooks.io/documentation/content/
- PDF, Mobi, ePub & edit: https://www.gitbook.com/book/meshviewer/documentation/details
Why move the documentation/changelog?
- Search available
- Multiple pages
- Less doc commits, faster changes
- Export as PDF, Mobi, ePub
Sponsoring / Supporting
- BrowserStack for providing an awesome testing service for hundreds of browsers
- Travis CI for building meshviewer on every push and pull request
- Scrutinizer CI for testing code quality on every push and pull request
- Crowdin for providing an easy non-developer translation environment
These tools need a lot of infrastructures and provide a free account for open source software.